Publications: By Topic
Alternative views:
Mills, E. 2025. "Energy-intensive indoor cultivation drives the cannabis industry’s expanding carbon footprint," Cell Press: One Earth [PDF] [Supplemental Information]
Mills, E. 2024. "How Propane Broke My Heart" CleanTechnica - August 2, 2024 [PDF]
Mills, E. 2024. "Cutting Carbon Emissions for Our Home and Cars was Lucrative. But it Wasn't Easy" Los Angeles Times - January 6, 2024 [PDF]. Online version: "Greening Our Northern California Home and Cars Cut Our Energy Bills by $11,000 A Year. But It Wasn’t Easy." January 6, 2024 [PDF]
Mills, E. 2023. "Harvesting Private Capital to Restore Forests." Medium [PDF]
Mills, E. 2023." Environmental Justice, Up in Smoke," Slate
Mills, E. 2023. "Green Remittances: A Novel Form of Sustainability Finance." Energy Policy. 176:113501 [PDF]
Mills, E., 2022. "El Seguor y la Gestion del Cambio Climatico (The Contribution of Insurance for Climate Change Management)". Fasecolda journal. Colombian Federation of Insurance Companies, pp. 188:66-71, in Spanish. [PDF]
Mills, E. 2022. "Contrary to Conventional Methods, Best Practices for Cannabis Cultivation Result in Less Intensive Land and Water Use for Outdoor than for Indoor Farming," Energy Associates, 13pp. [PDF]
Mills, E. 2022. "Inclusive Green Insurance for Climate Change in the Global South: Thoughts for Colombia," Medium, October 26 [link]
Mills, E. 2022. "Cannabis is Radioactive Enough. Grow it Outdoors to Keep Diablo Canyon's Closure on Schedule." San Francisco Examiner, September 1 [online|PDF]
Mills, E. 2022. "Cannabis ESG Risk is a Buzzkill for Investors." Medium [PDF]
Mills, E. 2022. "The Incompatibility of Cannabis Factory Farming with the Principles of ESG Risks and Impact Investment." Journal of Impact and ESG Investing, London: Portfolio Management Research, Winter 2022, 3 (2) 109-136. DOI: [PDF]
Mills, E. 2022. Testimony related to regulatory violations and environmental justice, presented at the Bay Area Air Quality Management District hearing, June 27, 2022. "Report on the Foreseeability and Avoidability of Power Disruptions and the Need for 11 Megawatts of Diesel Generators to Power Cannabis Cultivation at 5601 and 5733 San Leandro Street Oakland, CA." [PDF]
Mills, E. 2022. "Market Spoiling and Ineffectual Policy Have Impeded Adoption of Heat Pump Water Heating for U.S. Buildings and Industry." Energy Efficiency [PDF]
Mills, E. 2022. Save Gas, Don't Gaslight: The New Yorker could have used some fact-checking before printing a recent anti-energy-efficiency piece. Medium, February 24.
Mills, E. and S. Zeramby. 2022. "Energy Use by the Indoor Cannabis Industry: Inconvenient Truths for Producers, Policymakers, and Consumers." Chapter in The Routledge Handbook of Post-Prohibition Cannabis Research, D. Corva and J. Meisel, eds., 243-265 [PDF]
Mills, E. and J.P. O'Brien. 2021. Cal Fire, Timber Industry Must Face an Inconvenient Truth (supplementary graphics here) - San Francisco Examiner - online September 17, 2021, print September 19 (pp 10-12)[online][pdf]
Alstone, P., E. Mills, J. Carma, and A. Cervantes. 2021. "Towards Low-Carbon Hot Water and Industrial Heat with Efficient and Flexible Heat Pumps." Humboldt State University, 114 pp. [PDF]
Mills, E. 2021. "The Humble Water Heater Could Be The Savior of Our Energy Infrastructure Woes." Salon [PDF]
Mills, E. 2021. "Comment on “Cannabis and the Environment: What Science Tells Us and What We Still Need to Know.” Environmental Science & Technology Letters 8, 6, 483–485 [PDF]
Mills, E. 2021. "Earth Day and Weed Day are an Odd Couple" - Medium - April 19, 2021 [PDF]
Mills, E. 2021. "California is Pilfering its Forest Carbon Treasure Chest." Medium - September 17
Mills, E. 2021. "To Make Cannabis Green, We Need to Grow it Outdoors" - SLATE - March 10, 2021 [PDF]
Crowe, E., E. Mills, T. Poeling, C. Curtin, D. Bjornskov, L. Fischer, J. Granderson. 2020. "Building Commissioning Costs and Savings Across Three Decades and 1,500 North American Buildings." Energy and Buildings, 227 [report] [journal PDF]
Less, B., I. Walker, D. Lorenzetti, E. Mills, V. Rapp, S. Dutton, M. Sohn, X. Li, J. Clark and M Sherman. 2020. "Smart Ventilation for Advanced California Homes." Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Report, 492pp. [PDF]
Mills, E. 2020. "The Voracious Energy Appetite of Indoor Cannabis Cultivation." Building Performance Community - August 11 [pdf]
U.S. Global Change Research Program. 2009. Global Climate Change Impacts in the United States. Cambridge University Press, 188pp. (peer-reviewed) (invited)[Full Report] [20p Summary] [4p Summary] [PowerPoint] [Project website]
Mills, E. 2008. Climate and Country - March 18
Mills, E. 2007. Why the Peace Prize? - December 30.
Field, C.B., L.D. Mortsch,, M. Brklacich, D.L. Forbes, P. Kovacs, J.A. Patz, S.W. Running, M.J. Scott, J. Andrey, D. Cayan, M. Demuth, A. Hamlet, G. Jones, E. Mills, S. Mills, C. K. Minns, D. Sailor, M. Saunders, D. Scott, W. Solecki, and M. MacCracken. 2007. "North America." Chapter 14 in Climate Change 2007: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, M.L. Parry, O.F. Canziani, J.P. Palutikof, P.J. van der Linden and C.E. Hanson, Eds., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 617-652. Contributing Author. (invited) (peer-reviewed) [PDF]
Watson, R. et al. 2001. "Climate Change 2001: Synthesis Report." Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, United Nations and World Meteorological Organization, Geneva. Contributing Author. LBNL-47974. (invited) (peer-reviewed) [Report PDF] [Figures PDF]
IPCC. 2001. "Summary for Policymakers: Climate Change 2001: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability." Contribution of Working Group II to Climate Change 2001: Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [McCarthy, J., O. Canziani, N. Leary, D. Dokken, and K. White (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA, pp. 1-18.(invited) (peer-reviewed) [PDF]
IPCC. 2001. "Technical Summary: Climate Change 2001: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability." Contribution of Working Group II to Climate Change 2001: Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [McCarthy, J., O. Canziani, N. Leary, D. Dokken, and K. White (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA, pp. 19-74. LBNL- 47924. (invited) (peer-reviewed) [PDF]
Cohen, S., D. Schimel, G. Chilinsky, K. Duncan, E. Gregorich, P. Groffman, P. Kovacs, V. Magana, D. McKnight, K. Miller, E. Mills, D. Etkin, R. Flemming, K. Hall, J. Patz, D. Scott, G. Wall, R. Harris, E. Wheaton. 2001. "North America." Chapter 15 in Climate Change 2001: Impacts, Vulnerability, and Adaptation. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, United Nations and World Meteorological Organization, Geneva. Working Group II. Lead Author. LBNL- 47925. (invited) (peer-reviewed) [PDF]
Mills, E. 2006. "Synergisms between Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation: An Insurance Perspective." Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, Special Issue on Challenges in Integration Mitigation and Adaptation Responses to Climate Change, Vol. 12, No. 5, pp. 809-842 [PDF] (invited)
Mills, E. 2003. "Climate Change May Increase U.S. Crop Damage from Higher Precipitation." Environmental Energy Technologies Division News, vol 4, no. 1, p. 6.
Rosenzweig, C., F. N. Tubiello, R. Goldberg, E. Mills, and J Bloomfield. 2002. "Increased Crop Damage in the U.S. from Excess Precipitation under Climate Change." Global Environmental Change, 12:197-202. LBNL-47985 [PDF]
Forest Carbon
Mills, E. and J.P. O'Brien. 2021. Cal Fire, Timber Industry Must Face an Inconvenient Truth (supplementary graphics here) - San Francisco Examiner - online September 17, 2021, print September 19 (pp 10-12)[online][pdf]
Mills, E. 2021. "California is Pilfering its Forest Carbon Treasure Chest." Medium - September 17
Electric Grid Reliability
Mills, E. and R. B. Jones. 2016. "An Insurance Perspective on U.S. Electric Grid Disruptions." The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance -- Issues and Practice, International Association for the Study of Insurance Economics, 41(4): 555-586. [PDF]
Mills, E. 2011. "Grid Disruptions & Extreme Weather: Response to factual errors in the blogosphere about 'Global Climate Change Impacts in the US'." October 1.
Eto, J., J. Koomey, B. Lehman, N. Martin, E. Mills, C. Webber, and E. Worrell. 2001. "Scoping Study on Trends in the Economic Value of Electricity Reliability to the U.S. Economy." Prepared for the Electric Power Research Institute, LBNL-47911 [PDF]
Mills, E. 2001. "When the Lights Go Out." Best's Review. Oldwick, NJ: A.M. Best Company. July. pp. 73-77.!
Extreme Weather Events
Pendleton, L., T.R. Karl, and E. Mills. 2013. "Economic Growth in the Face of Weather and Climate Extremes: A Call for Better Data." Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 94(25):224-225 [Web] [PDF]
Mills, E. 2005. "Response to: 'Attribution of Disaster Losses'." Science Vol. 310:1615-1616. [PDF] (invited)
IPCC. 2002. "IPCC Workshop on Changes in Extreme Weather and Climate Events: Beijing, China 11-13 June 2002." Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. LBNL-52829 Abs [PDF]=
Epstein, P. and E. Mills. 2005. "Climate Change is Hazardous to Your Health." Forbes. November 16. LBNL/PUB-940. [Online version | PDF]
Epstein, P. and E. Mills (eds.). 2005. "Climate Change Futures: Health, Ecological and Economic Dimensions." Published by Harvard Medical School, sponsored by Swiss Re and the U.N. Development Programme. (Contributing Authors: P. Anderson, J. Brownstein, U. Confalonieri, D. Causey, N. Chan, K. L. Ebi, J. H. Epstein, J. S. Greene, R. Hayes, E. Hofmann, L. S. Kalkstein, T. Kjellstrom, R. Lincoln, A. J. McMichael, C. McNeill, D. Mills, A. Milne, A. D. Perrin, G. Ranmuthugala, C. Rogers, C. Rosenzweig, C. L. Soskolne, G. Tabor, M. V., X.B. Yang). [PDF]
Mills, E. and J.P. O'Brien. 2021. Cal Fire, Timber Industry Must Face an Inconvenient Truth (supplementary graphics here) - San Francisco Examiner - online September 17, 2021, print September 19 (pp 10-12)[online][pdf]
Fried, J.S., M.S. Torn, and E. Mills. 2004. "The Impact of Climate Change on Wildfire Severity: A Regional Forecast for Northern California." LBNL-53273. Climatic Change 64 (1-2): 169-191 [PDF]
Mills, E. 2002. "Climate Change and Wildfire Severity in California." Environmental Energy Technologies Division News 3(1-2):4. LBNL/PUB-821.
Torn, M., E. Mills, and J. Fried. 1998. "Will Climate Change Spark More Wildfire Damages?" Contingencies: Journal of the American Academy of Actuaries, pp. 34-43 (July/August issue). LBNL-42592. [PDF]
Mills, E. 2024. "How Propane Broke My Heart" CleanTechnica - August 2, 2024 [PDF]
Mills, E. 2022. "Market Spoiling and Ineffectual Policy Have Impeded Adoption of Heat Pump Water Heating for U.S. Buildings and Industry." Energy Efficiency [PDF]
Mills, E. 2012. "Doing Well by Doing Good: A Scientist Frames Climate Solutions in Business Terms." Review of Cold Cash, Cool Climate by Jonathan G. Koomey. Environmental Research Web. (September 17) (invited) [PDF]
Harvard Medical School. 2008. "Healthy Solutions for the Low-Carbon Economy. Guidelines for Investors, Insurers, and Policy Makers." Center for Health and the Global Environment, 35pp. [PDF]
Mills, E. and J. Livingston. 2005. "Traversing The Valley of Death." Forbes. November 17. LBNL/PUB-939. [Online version |PDF]
Mills, E. 1991. "Uncertainties in the Price-Responsiveness of Energy Demand: An End-Use Perspective on Denmark and Sweden." University of Lund, Department of Environmental and Energy Systems Studies Report [Abbreviated version as PhD Thesis Chapter]. [PDF]
Mills, E. 1990. "Developing Sweden's Energy-Efficiency and Renewable Energy Resources: Options for Overcoming Existing Barriers." Prepared for the Swedish Parliament Working Group on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Sources.
Translated into Swedish as "Att Utveckla Sveriges Energieffektivitet och Förnybara Energiresurser: Mouligheter att övervinna Nuvarande Hinder." [Available from the Swedish Parliament Printing Office, 100-12 Stockholm.] (Invited)
Mills, E. 1989. "An End-Use Perspective on Electricity Price Responsiveness." Report prepared for the Swedish State Power Board (Vattenfall). University of Lund, Department of Environmental and Energy Systems Studies. [PDF]
Mills, E. 1988. "Electricity or Gas?: Preferences for Fuels and Technologies in California's Commercial Sector." Consultant's report to Barakat, Howard & Chamberlin, Inc.
Mills, E. 1991."Evolving Energy Systems: Technology Options and Policy Mechanism." Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Lund, Lund, Sweden.
Craine, S., E. Mills, and J. Guay. 2014. "Clean Energy Services for All: Financing Universal Electrification." Sierra Club: Washington, D.C., 8pp. [PDF]
Moomaw, W. R., J. R. Moreira, K. Blok, D. Greene, K. Gregory, T. Jaszay, T. Kashiwagi, M. Levine, M. MacFarland, N. S. Prasad, L. Price, H. Rogner, R. Sims, F. Zhou, E. Alsema, H. Audus, R. K. Bose, G. M. Jannuzzi, A. Kollmuss, L. Changsheng, E. Mills, K. Minato, S. Plotkin, A. Shafer, A. C. Walter, R. Ybema, J. de Beer, D. Victor, R. Pichs-Madruga, H. Ishitani. 2001. "Technological and Economic Potential of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction." Chapter 3 in Climate Change 2001: Mitigation. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, United Nations and World Meteorological Organization, Geneva. Working Group III. Contributing Author. LBNL- 47922. (invited) (peer-reviewed) [PDF]
Kaarsberg, T., R. Lempert, E. Mills, D. Richards, S. Kartha, and J. Anderson. 1995. "Symposium on Sustainable Technology and Jobs, and Why Physicists Should Care." Physics and Society 24 (4): 4-5. American Physical Society [Web][PDF]
Roturier, J. and E. Mills. 1994. "Changing Tides in the Swedish Power Sector." Le Recherche (in French). (invited)!
Mills, E. 1993. "The New Downstream: Increased Efficiency and Renewables as Competitive Energy Resources." In The Future of Energy Gases. D. Howell, ed. U.S. Geologic Survey, Professional Paper 1570, U.S. Government Printing Office, pp. 849-867 (invited) (peer-reviewed) [PDF - contents]
Roturier, J. and E. Mills. 1991. "Les Economies d' Energie: L'ecole de Berkeley." (Energy Efficiency: The Berkeley Paradigm). Le Recherche 229(22):256-266 (in French). (invited)
Mills, E., D. Wilson, and T.B. Johansson. 1991. "Getting Started: No-Regrets Strategies for Reducing Greenhouse-Gas Emissions." Energy Policy 19(6):526-542 [PDF]
Mills, E., D. Wilson, and T.B. Johansson. 1990. "Beginning to Reduce Greenhouse-Gas Emissions Need Not Be Expensive: Examples from the Energy Sector." In Climate Change: Science, Impacts and Policy. Proceedings of the Second World Climate Conference, J. Jaeger and H.L. Ferguson (eds), Cambridge University Press, pp. 311-328. English summary translated into Arabic, French, Japanese, and Russian. (invited) (peer-reviewed) [PDF]
Krause, F., W. Bach, H. Becht, M. Cavelli, C. Helle, E. Mills, D. Olivier, G. Onufrio, P. Radanne, and L. Reijnders. 1989. "Energy and Climate Change: What Can Western Europe Do?" International Project for Sustainable Energy Paths. Report to the Dutch Ministry of Environment.
Mills, E. and T.B. Johansson. 1989. "Briefing Materials for Birgitta Dahl: Swedish Minister of Environment -- Results of Lund University/Vattenfall Study on Options for the Swedish Electricity Sector to the year 2010: Scenarios of Demand, Supply, Economics, and Emissions. Lund University, Department of Environmental and Energy Systems Studies.
Mills, E. 2022. Save Gas, Don't Gaslight: The New Yorker could have used some fact-checking before printing a recent anti-energy-efficiency piece. Medium, February 24.
Mills, E. 2017. "Art Rosenfeld: Brilliance & Benevolence." Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, January 27.
Mills, E. 2010. Efficiency Lives - The rebound effect, not so much - September 13 - Climate Progress [PDF | online]
Mills, E. 2007. Eco-Solutions: Energy Efficiency - Forbes - April 27 [PDF]
Mills, E. 2001. "Common Energy Myths." Home Energy Magazine, Sept/Oct., pp. 33-35. [PDF]
Mills, E. 1999. "Energy for Industry." Environmental Energy Technologies Division News 1(2):1-2. LBNL/PUB-821.
Mills, E. and J. Busch. 1995. "Efficiency in the Supply and End Use of Energy in U.S. Utility Systems." Prepared for the SAVE Program, European Commission.
Mills, E. 1995. "Utility Deregulation: DSM Dawn or Dusk?" Newsletter of the International Association for Energy-Efficient Lighting (2/95), pp. 1-3.
Dialogue Consultants Ltd. 1991. "Overseas Experience of Utilities and Energy Service Companies in the Promotion of Energy-Efficient Technology and Services." Auckland, New Zealand.
Mills, E., J.P. Harris, and A.H. Rosenfeld. 1988. "Developing Demand-Side Resources for the U.S.: Trends and Policies." LBL-24920.
Rosenfeld, A.H. and E. Mills. 1988. "The Successes of Conservation." NATO Advanced Study Institute Series: Demand-side Management and Electricity End-use Efficiency. Martinus Nijhoff (Netherlands). A.T. de Almeida and A.H. Rosenfeld, eds. Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 17-61. [PDF] (invited) (peer-reviewed)
Excerpted in Testimony "Conservation, Competition and National Security" presented in the Hearing on Energy Security: The Role of Conservation in the National Energy Picture, Subcommittee on Energy and Power. Philip R. Sharp, Chairman. U.S. House of Representatives. November 4, 1987. (invited) [online]
Mills, E., J.P. Harris, and A.H. Rosenfeld. 1988. "Le Gisement d'Economies d'Energie aux Etats-Unis: Tendances, Perspectives et Propositions." Energie Internationale: 1988-1989. Grenoble, pp. 169-193 (in French). (invited) (peer-reviewed)
Also in English as "U.S. Energy Trends and Policies for Developing Demand-Side Resources." LBNL-24920. (Invited)
Mills, E. 1988. "A Paradigm Shift in Energy: Moving from Supply-Side to Demand-Side Economics." Proceedings of the 1988 Annual Meeting of the International Association of Energy Economics. Oslo, Norway. (invited) (peer-reviewed)
Rosenfeld, A.H., E. Mills, R. Mowris, and J. Koomey. 1988. "Energy Efficiency, Competition, and Least-Cost Planning." Proceedings of the National Association of Regulated Utility Commissioners (NARUC) Least-Cost Utility Planning Meeting. Aspen '88 Conference. (Invited)
Building Technologies
Mills, E. 2021. "The Humble Water Heater Could Be The Savior of Our Energy Infrastructure Woes." Salon [PDF]
Less, B., I. Walker, D. Lorenzetti, E. Mills, V. Rapp, S. Dutton, M. Sohn, X. Li, J. Clark and M Sherman. 2020. "Smart Ventilation for Advanced California Homes." Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Report, 492pp. [PDF]
Walker, I., V. Rapp, and E. Mills. 2017. “CEC-SVACH Indoor Air Quality Valuation.” Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Report. [PDF]
Mills, E. 2010. "Kermit Was Right: It's NOT Easy Being Green." [full version] [briefer materials]
Alstone, P., E. Mills, J. Carma, and A. Cervantes. 2021. "Towards Low-Carbon Hot Water and Industrial Heat with Efficient and Flexible Heat Pumps." Humboldt State University, 114 pp. [PDF]
Rosenfeld, A.H., M.D. Levine, E. Mills, and B. Hunn. 1996. "Patterns of Energy Use in Buildings." In Solar Heating Technologies: Fundamentals and Applications, Volume 4: Fundamentals of Building Energy Dynamics. B. Hunn, ed. MIT Press, pp. 39-112. (Invited) (peer-reviewed) [Summary] (invited) [PDF]
Olken, F., E. Mills, M.A. Piette, D. Sartor, S. Selkowitz, and M. Sherman. 1995. "The Role of Building Life-Cycle Information Systems in the Delivery of Energy Services." Presented at the NIST ATP Workshop on Information and Telecommunications Technology for the U.S. Utilities Industry. Atlanta, GA, Jan. 30-31, 1995. [PDF]
Mills, E. 1995. "Windows as Luminaires." Newsletter of the International Association for Energy-Efficient Lighting (3-4/95), pp. 11-13.
Versions reprinted in Center for Building Science News, 2(4): 6-7, LBL/PUB-731 and Architectural Lighting ("Window Technologies for Daylighting Savings", 1996).
Reprinted in Energy Efficiency News, 1(7):2-3 and Lighting Maintenance and Management.
Mills, E. 1994. "Seeing Windows Through." Center for Building Science News 1(2):8-9. LBL/PUB-731.
Proctor, J. and E. Mills. 1987. "Making Furnace Retrofit Programs More Efficient: 14,000 Homes Later." Energy Auditor and Retrofitter. March
Best, D. and E. Mills. 1987. "Bargain Power." Practical Homeowner. February.
Mills, E. 1986. "Solar Sagas: A History of Solar Water Heating." Energy Auditor and Retrofitter. December.
Mills, E. 1986. "A Healthy Outlook for the Blower Door Industry." Energy Auditor and Retrofitter. June. [PDF]
Mills, E. 1986. "Blower Doors: Infiltration Is Where the Action Is." Energy Auditor and Retrofitter. April. [PDF]
Mills, E., K.M. Greely, and P. duPont. 1985. "Freon-Free Cooling." Energy Auditor and Retrofitter. October.
Mills, E. 1985. "Comparing Measured Energy Performance of Superinsulated Homes to Indicators of Typical Construction Practice: The U.S. and Sweden." Proceeding of the Third Annual National Superinsulation in Housing Conference and Exposition, April 2-3, Rochester, MN.
Schipper, L., S. Meyers, and H. Kelly. 1985. Coming in from The Cold: Energy-wise Housing in Sweden. German Marshall Fund of the United States and the Swedish Council for Building Research, 85pp (contributed to underlying analysis and authored appendix). [link]
Piette, M.A., M. Meal, and E. Mills. 1985. "Idyllwild Arts Foundation Energy Audit." Published in the Foundation's 5-year Master Plan.
Mills, E. 1984. "Manufactured Housing The Swedish Way: Technical Excellence and Affordability." 24pp. [PDF]
Commissioning and Quality Assurance
Crowe, E., E. Mills, T. Poeling, C. Curtin, D. Bjornskov, L. Fischer, J. Granderson. 2020. "Building Commissioning Costs and Savings Across Three Decades and 1,500 North American Buildings." Energy and Buildings, 227 [LBNL report] [journal PDF]
Mills, E. 2017. "A Conversation on Commissioning". Roundtable. ASHRAE Journal. pp. 30-43. [PDF]
Mills, E. and P. Mathew. 2014. "Monitoring-Based Commissioning: Benchmarking Analysis of 24 University Buildings in California," Energy Engineering 111(4):7-24 [PDF]
Mills, E. 2011. "Commissioning High-Tech Facilities" ASHRAE Journal. November, p. 18 [PDF] (invited)
Mills, E. 2011. "Building Commissioning: A Golden Opportunity for Reducing Energy Costs and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the United States." Energy Efficiency, 4(2):145-173 [PDF]
Mills, E. 2011. "Commissioning: Capturing the Potential." ASHRAE Journal. February. LBNL-4908E [PDF] (invited)
Mills, E. 2009. "Building Commissioning: A Golden Opportunity for Reducing Energy Costs and Greenhouse-gas Emissions." LBNL-3645E. [PDF|website]
Mills, E. and P. Mathew. 2009. “Monitoring-Based Commissioning: Benchmarking Analysis of 24 UC/CSU/IOU Projects." LBNL-1972E [PDF]
Mills, E. 2009. "Building Commissioning: The Stealth Energy Efficiency Strategy" Climate Progress, August 12 [Online | PDF]
Mills, E., N. Bourassa, M.A. Piette, H. Friedman, T. Haasl, T. Powell, D. Claridge. 2005. "The Cost-Effectiveness of Commissioning." HPAC Engineering. June. [Print version] LBNL/PUB-943 [PDF]
Mills, E., N. Bourassa, M.A. Piette, H. Friedman, T. Haasl, T. Powell, D. Claridge. 2005. "Building Commissioning." Methods, Methods, and Trends. Architectural Engineering Institute.
Mills, E., N. Bourassa, M.A. Piette, H. Friedman, T. Haasl, T. Powell, and D. Claridge. 2005. "The Cost-Effectiveness of Commissioning New and Existing Commercial Buildings: Lessons from 224 Buildings," Proceedings of the 2006 National Conference on Building Commissioning, Portland Energy Conservation, Inc., New York, New York. LBNL-.56637. (peer-reviewed) [PDF]
Mills, E., H. Friedman, T. Powell, N. Bourassa, D. Claridge, T. Haasl, and M.A. Piette. 2004. "The Cost-Effectiveness of Commercial-Buildings Commissioning: A Meta-Analysis of Energy and Non-Energy Impacts in Existing Buildings and New Construction in the United States." LBNL-56637 [PDF]
Mills, E. 1995. "Lighting Commissioning—A Neglected Opportunity." Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment, Fall, pp. 25-28 (invited)
Mills, E. 1994. "A Neglected Opportunity: Lighting Commissioning for Energy Savings." Newsletter of the International Association for Energy-Efficient Lighting (2/94).
Energy Education
Mills, E., P. Haves, R. Otto. 2005. "A Next Generation Community College Curriculum for Energy-Efficient High-Performance Building Operations," Environmental Energy Technologies Division News 6:2, page 2. LBNL/PUB-821
Crabtree, P. N. Kyriakopedi, E. Mills, P. Haves, R.J. Otto, M.A. Piette, P Xu, R.C. Diamond, J. Deringer, and C. Frost. 2004. "Developing a Next-Generation Community College Curriculum for Energy-Efficient High-Performance Building Operations." Proceedings of the 2004 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Asilomar, CA August 22 - 27. LBNL-56003 (peer-reviewed) [PDF]
Crabtree, P. J. Deringer, R. Diamond, C. Frost, P. Haves, K. Koelle, N. Kyriakopedi, E. Mills, M.A. Piette. 2003. "Focus Group Report: Environmental Control Technology Industry Education Initiative Industry Education Partnership." Peralta Community College District, Oakland, CA [PDF]
Larson, E., E. Mills, L. Nilsson, A.K.N. Reddy, R.H. Williams, S. Nadel, and J. Busch. 1990. "Spreadsheet Exercises for the 1989 Thailand Workshop on End-Use-Oriented Energy Analysis." International Institute for Energy Conservation, Washington, D.C. and Bangkok, Thailand. April.
Larson, E., E. Mills, L. Nilsson, D. Bleviss, M. Cherniack, S. Nadel, and J. Busch. 1990. "Report on the 1989 Thailand Workshop on End-Use-Oriented Energy Analysis." International Institute for Energy Conservation, Washington, D.C. and Bangkok, Thailand. April.
Internet and Social Networks as Deployment Tools
Mills, E. and P. Mathew. 2012. "Web Services that Foster Innovation in Buildings Energy Analysis Tools," 2012. Proceedings of the 2012 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy: Washington, D.C. (peer-reviewed) [PDF]
Chojnowski, D., K. Straub, E. Mills, and T. White. 2012. "Online Communities for Creating Change: Home Energy Pros," Proceedings of the 2012 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy: Washington, D.C. (peer-reviewed) [PDF]
Mills, E., D. Abell, G. Bell, J. Faludi, S. Greenberg, R. Hitchcock, M.A. Piette, D. Sartor, and K. Stum. 2002. "Design Intent Tool: User Guide." LBNL/PUB-3167 [PDF] Software: Design Intent Tool
Mills, E. 1997. "The Internet as a New Tool for Implementing Energy Efficient Lighting." Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Energy-Efficient Lighting, November 18-21, Copenhagen, Denmark. (peer-reviewed) [PDF]
Mills, E. 1996. "Lighting on the Internet." Newsletter of the International Association for Energy-Efficient Lighting (1/96), pp. 4. LBNL-39061.
Mills, E., S. Webster, S. Pickle, T. Forowicz, and Z. Smith. 1996. "The Internet: A Powerful Tool for Implementing Energy Efficiency." (abstract), Proceedings of the Environment on the Net Conference.
Mills, E. 1996. "The Center's Web Works." Center for Building Science News 2(4):1. LBL/PUB-731.
Low-income Housing
Vine, E.L., B.K. Barnes, E. Mills, and R.L. Ritschard. 1989. "The Response of Low-Income Elderly to Tenant Incentive Programs." Energy, 14(11): 677-684 [PDF]
Based on Vine, E., B.K. Barnes, E. Mills, and R.L. Ritschard. 1987. "The San Francisco Public Housing Tenant-Incentive Program: The Response of Elderly Participants." LBL-23167 [PDF]
Greely, K.M., E. Mills, C.A. Goldman, and R.L. Ritschard. 1988. "Determinants of Measured Energy Consumption in Public Housing." Energy Systems and Policy 12(1):13-31.
Mills, E., R.L. Ritschard, and C.A. Goldman. 1987. "Deterrents to Energy Conservation in Public Housing." Energy Systems and Policy 11(3):169-183 [journal absorbed by Energy Sources] [PDF]
Greely, K.M., E. Mills, C.A. Goldman, R.L. Ritschard, and M.A. Jackson. 1987. "Baseline Analysis of Measured Energy Consumption in Public Housing." LBL-22854. [PDF]
Mills, E., R.L. Ritschard, and C.A. Goldman. 1986. "Financial Impact of Energy Conservation Investment Strategies in Public Housing." Proceedings of the ACEEE 1986 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings. Santa Cruz, CA. Also as LBL-21741. (peer-reviewed) [PDF]
Ritschard, R.L., C.A. Goldman, E. Vine, E. Mills, and K.M Greely. 1986. "Cutting Energy Costs in Public Housing: Technical Issues, Institutional Barriers, and Research Needs." LBL-19683. [PDF]
Mills, E. 1985. "Measuring The Energy Efficiency of Manufactured Homes." Energy and Buildings 8:291-294 [PDF]
Mills, E. 1984. "Saving Energy in Manufactured Housing." Superinsulated Buildings Newsletter. August.
Mills, E. 1984. "Raising the Energy-Efficiency of Manufactured Housing." Proceedings of the ACEEE 1984 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings. Santa Cruz, CA. Also as LBL-17880. (peer-reviewed) [PDF]
Modeling and Benchmarking Tools
Mills, E. 2015. “Action-oriented Benchmarking for Non-residential Buildings.” Proceedings of the IEEE, 104(4):697-712 (invited) [PDF]
Mills, E., N.J. Bourassa, L.I. Rainer, G. Homan, N. Merket, D. Parker, G. Dickey, and J. Glickman. 2014. “Asset Rating with the Home Energy Scoring Tool," Energy and Buildings 80:441-450. [PDF]
Mills, Evan. 2014. EnergyIQ for Action-oriented Benchmarking: Final Report. California Energy Commission. [PDF]
Mills, E. and D. Parker. 2012. Ready, Fire, Aim: The Need for More Accurate Building Energy Model Accuracy Assessments." A response to "Energy Modeling Isn't Very Accurate." Green Building, April 9 [pdf]
Parker, D., E. Mills, L. Rainer, N.J. Bourassa, and G. Homan. 2012. "Accuracy of the Home Energy Saver Energy Calculation Methodology," Proceedings of the 2012 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy: Washington, D.C. (peer-reviewed) [PDF]
Mills, E. and P. Mathew. 2012. “EnergyIQ: Action-oriented Benchmarking.” Final report to the California Energy Commission, CEC-500-2013-070, 52pp. [PDF]
Bourassa, N.J., L.I. Rainer, E. Mills, and J. Glickman. 2012. "The Home Energy Scoring Tool: A Simplified Asset Rating for Single Family Homes," Proceedings of the 2012 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy: Washington, D.C. (peer-reviewed) [PDF]
J. Koomey, H. Akbari, C. Blumstein, M. Brown, Ri. Brown, C. Calwell, S. Carter, R. Cavanagh, A. Chang, D. Claridge, P. Craig, R. Diamond, J.H. Eto, W. Fulkerson, A. Gadgil, H. Geller, J. Goldemberg, C. Goldman, D.B. Goldstein, S. Greenberg, D. Hafemeister, J. Harris, H. Harvey, E. Heitz, E. Hirst, H. Hummel, D. Kammen, H. Kelly, S. Laitner, M. Levine, A. Lovins,j G. Masters, J.E. McMahon, A. Meier, M. Messenger, J. Millhone, E. Mills, S. Nadel, B. Nordman, L. Price, J. Romm, M. Ross, M. Rufo, J. Sathaye, L. Schipper, S.H. Schneider, J.L. Sweeney, M. Verdict, D. Vorsatz, D. Wang, C. Weinberg, R. Wilk, J. Wilson, E. Worrell, Defining a Standard Metric for Electricity Savings. Environmental Research Letters, 5, 014017 (2010). doi:10.1088/1748-9326/5/1/014017 [PDF]
Earlier version in AIP Conference Proceedings. 1401, 26 (2011) [PDF]
Mills, E., P. Mathew, N. Bourassa, M. Brook, and M.A. Piette. 2008. "Action-Oriented Benchmarking: Concepts and Tools." Energy Engineering, 105(4):21-40. LBNL-358E [PDF]
Mathew, P., E. Mills, N. Bourassa, M. Brook. 2008. "Action-Oriented Benchmarking: Using the CEUS Database to Benchmark Commercial Buildings in California." Energy Engineering, 105(5):6-18. LBNL-502E [PDF]
Mills, E.. et al. 2007. "The Home Energy Saver: Documentation of Calculation Methodology, Input Data, and Infrastructure." LBNL-51938. [PDF] - online version
Mills, E. 2003. "Capturing and Tracking Energy Savings Project Goals with the Design Intent Tool." Environmental Energy Technologies Division News 4(3):8. LBNL/PUB-821.
Mills, E. 2003. "Capturing and Tracking Energy-Saving Project Goals with the Design Intent Tool." FEMP Focus. LBNL/PUB-879. [PDF]
Mills, E. 2003. "Inter-comparison of North American Web- and Disk-based Tools for Residential Energy Analysis." Energy and Buildings 36:865-880 [PDF]
A more extensive version previously published as "Review and Comparison of Web- and Disk-based Tools for Residential Energy Analysis." LBNL-50950. September 5, 2002 [PDF]
Mills, E. 2002. "Review and Comparison of Web- and Disk-based Tools for Residential Energy Analysis." LBNL-50950 [PDF]
Mills, E. 1997. "The Home Energy Saver: Interactive Energy Information and Calculations on the Web." Center for Building Science News 16(4):1-2. LBL/PUB-731.
Meyers, S., E. Mills, A. Chen, and L. Demsetz. 1996. "Building Data Visualization for Diagnostics, Operator Feedback, and Performance Optimization." ASHRAE Journal, June, pp. 63-73. [PDF]
Greely, K.M., E. Mills, R.L. Ritschard, and S. Bartlett. 1989. "The Utility Accounting Package: Version 1.0. Microcomputer Software and User's Manual." Prepared for the Innovative Technology and Special Projects Division. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. LBL/PUB-638.
Mills, E., M. Fels, and C. Reynolds.1987. "PRISM: A Tool for Tracking Retrofit Savings." Energy Auditor and Retrofitter. November.
Mills, E. and R. Ritschard. 1987. "DOE-Sponsored Microcomputer Tools for Buildings Energy Analysis: Applications to Multifamily Retrofit Evaluation." LBL-24307. [PDF]
Mills, E. 1983. "CIRA: Residential Energy Analysis Using a Microcomputer Model with Validation Based on Field Measurements." 12pp. [PDF]
Public Sector Leadership by Example
Beard, D. P. 2007. "Green the Capitol Initiative: Preliminary Report." Washington, DC: U.S. House of Representatives, Chief Administrative Officer. April 19. [PDF]
Beard, D. P., G. Scherling, P. Plumart, B.A. Atkinson, P.J. Biermayer, R.E. Brown, R.C. Diamond, C. Dunham, R.M. Firestone, S.E. Greenberg, D. Medley, A. Ma, A.K. Meier, E. Mills, B Nordman, C.T. Payne, M.A. Piette, F.M. Rubinstein, S.E. Selkotitz, C.P. Wray, P. Xu, M. Azarcon, J. Calendar, T. Costello, E. Goodman, G. Green, C. Iliff, B. Klein, M. Laser, W. Miller, D. Murphy, T. Parker, D. Pilkins, C. Potter, L. Scalfari, T. Virts, J. Williams, R. Wilmoth, and B. Wood. 2007. "Green the Capitol Initiative: Final Report." Washington, DC: U.S. House of Representatives, Chief Administrative Officer. June 21. [PDF]
Placet, M., D. Winiarski, J. Heerwagen, S. Shankle, K. McMordie-Stoughton, K. Fowler, J. Hail, B. Liu, D. Hunt, D. Hostick, K. Poston, A. Walker, J. Harris, W. Tschudi, E. Mills, D. Zimmerman, J. Fiksel, and J. Toothaker. 2003. "The Business Case for Sustainable Design in Federal Facilities." U.S. Department of Energy, Federal Energy Management Program [PDF]
Borg, N., E. Mills, N. Martin, and J. Harris. 1998. "Energy Management in the Government Sector: An International Review." Proceedings of the 1997 ECEEE Summer Study, Prague, Czech Republic. Panel 4, ID 150, pp. 1-24. Stockholm: European Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy. LBNL-40403. (peer-reviewed) [PDF]
Greenberg, S., E. Mills, D. Lockhart, D. Sartor, and W. Lintner. 1995. "The U.S. Department of Energy's In-House Energy Management Program: Meeting the Challenges of Federal Energy Management." Energy Engineering, 93(2)55-75.
Based on work originally published in the Proceedings of the 1994 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, pp. 9.129-9.136.) [PDF]
Mills, E. 1994. "Our Hand in Greening the White House." Center for Building Science News 1(3):1-3. LBL/PUB-731.
Regional and National Scenarios
Mills, E. 2011. "The Challenge of Choices: A Swedish Energy Saga" [PDF] (see also: "Evolving Energy Systems: The Swedish Stor"y [PDF] - January 28 - Climate Progress
Mills, E. 1990. "Sweden After Nuclear Power." Contemporary Policy Issues (now Contemporary Economic Policy). Special Issue on Social and Private Costs of Alternative Energy Technologies, July, pp. 215-239. (invited) [PDF]
Based on "Sweden After Nuclear Power: Technology Options and Their Economics, Externalities, and Policy Implications." Proceedings of the 1989 Western Economics Association International Annual Meeting: Comparing Energy Technologies. Lake Tahoe, CA (Invited)
Mills, E. 1990. "Sweden's Acid Test: Planning for Economic Growth, the Nuclear Phase Out, and Reduced CO2 Emissions." Proceedings of Enhancing Electricity's Value to Society, Toronto, October 22-24. Canadian Electrical Association. (Invited)
Bodlund, B., E. Mills, T. Karlsson, and T.B. Johansson. 1989. "The Challenge of Choices: Technology Options for the Swedish Electricity Sector." In Electricity: Efficient End-use and New Generation Technologies, and Their Planning Implications. T.B. Johansson, B. Bodlund, and R.H. Williams, eds. Lund University Press, pp. 883-947. (invited) (peer-reviewed) [PDF]
Also translated into Swedish as "Att Välja Väg: Tekniska Alternativ för Den Svenska Elsektorn".!
Reprinted in Global Warming. J. Leggett, ed. Oxford University Press, 1990 (editions in Czechoslovakian, French, Japanese, Portuguese, and Russian). (Invited)
Bodlund, B., E. Mills, T. Karlsson, and T.B. Johansson. 1989. "Technical Support Document for The Challenge of Choices: Technology Options for the Swedish Electricity Sector." University of Lund, Lund, Sweden. [PDF]
Mills, E. and A.H. Rosenfeld. 1987. "Managed vs. Unmanaged 7-Year Electric Growth: Californians Needed 3 New Plants, Texans Needed 11." Physics and Society 16 (2): 3-4. American Physical Society [PDF]. Also as LBL-22932. [PDF]
Krause, F., J. Brown, D. Connell, P. DuPont, K. Greely, M. Meal, A. Meier, E. Mills, and B. Nordman. 1987. "Analysis of Michigan's Demand-Side Electricity Resources in the Residential Sector." LBL-23025, -23026, -23027. Three volumes. Executive Summary and Table of Contents [PDF]. Primary author on Chapter 9 (Impacts on Peak Demand). [PDF]
R&D Policy
Mills, E. 2008. "Climate Research Development, Demonstration, and Deployment Road Map: Buildings Sector." Prepared for the California Air Resources Board. January 18. [Supporting material][PDF]
Mills, E. and N. Martin. 1997. "Twenty Years of Lighting Research." Center for Building Science News, Winter. LBL/PUB-731
Mills, E., J. White, and T. Schaffhauser. 1995. "Cutting Government Programs to Save Energy Overlooks Benefits." Los Angeles Times, Business Section, September 10, p. 2. [PDF | Online version]
Mills, E. 1995. "From the Lab to the Marketplace: Government's Role in R&D and Market Transformation for Energy Efficiency in Buildings." Proceedings of the ECEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Mandileu, France. Stockholm: European Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (peer-reviewed) [PDF]
Mills, E. 1995. "The Applications Team is Here!" Center for Building Science News 1(4):1-2. LBL/PUB-731. [Online version]
Mills, E. 1993. "From the Lab to the Marketplace." Prepared for the Galvin Task Force on Alternative Futures for U.S. Department of Energy National Laboratories, LBL/PUB-758. [Online version]
Geller, H.S., E. Hirst, E. Mills, A.H. Rosenfeld, and M. Ross. 1991. "Getting America Back on the Energy-Efficiency Track: No-Regrets Policies for Slowing Climate Change." American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, Washington, D.C., USA. [PDF]
Geller, H., J.P. Harris, M. Ledbetter, M.D. Levine, E. Mills, R. Mowris, and A.H. Rosenfeld. 1989. "The Importance of Government Supported Research and Development in Advancing Energy Efficiency in the United States Buildings Sector." In Electricity: Efficient End-use and New Generation Technologies, and Their Planning Implications. T.B. Johansson, B. Bodlund, and R.H. Williams, eds. Lund University Press, pp. 863-882. (invited) (peer-reviewed)
Mills, E. 2024. "Cutting Carbon Emissions for Our Home and Cars was Lucrative. But it Wasn't Easy" Los Angeles Times - January 6, 2024 [PDF]. Online version: "Greening Our Northern California Home and Cars Cut Our Energy Bills by $11,000 A Year. But It Wasn’t Easy." January 6, 2024 [PDF]
Mills, E. 2010. "Kermit Was Right: It's NOT Easy Being Green." Home Energy Pros, October 26 [pdf]
Kats, G. et al. 2003. "The Costs and Financial Benefits of Green Buildings: A Report to California's Sustainable Building Task Force." Capital E, Washington D.C. [PDF]
Integration into the Real Estate Appraisal Process
Finlay, J., T. Lowe, C. Majersic, E. Mills, M.L. Moore, and D. Winters. 2018. "Valuation of Green and High-performance Property: Commercial, Multi-family, and Institutional Properties." The Appraisal Foundation: Washington, D.C. [PDF]
Mills, E. 2016. “Green Residential Appraisals in the United States Context: Challenges and Opportunities.” Journal of Sustainable Real Estate, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 120-144. [PDF]
Alschuler, E., C. Zhu, E. Mills, A. White, and T.W. Chappell. 2016. "Appraising Green: Show Me the Market Value," Proceedings of the ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Asilomar, CA. American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy: Washington D.C. (peer-reviewed) [PDF]
Curry, R., T. Lopez, E. Mills, J. Moore, R. Sahadi, and T. Watkins. 2016. "Valuation of Green and High-Performance Property: One- to Four-Unit Residential." Appraisal Practices Board, Valuation Advisory #7. The Appraisal Foundation: Washington, D.C., 42pp. [PDF]
Mills, E. 2015. "A New Appraisal: Lessons from the History of Efforts to Value Green and High-Performance Home Attributes in the United States." Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Report 1003835, 57pp. [PDF]
Mills, E. 2015. "Looking for Value in All The Wrong Places: Toward Expanded Consideration of Green and High-performance Attributes in Non-residential Property Appraisals in the United States." Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Report 1003828, 35pp. [PDF]
Black, M., J.F. Finlay, P. Rusin, E. Mills, D. Briggs, T.W. Chappell, and T.P. Runde. 2015. “Valuation of Green and High Performance Properties: Background and Core Competency.” APB Valuation Advisory #6, The Appraisal Foundation, Washington, DC, 46pp. [PDF]
Mills, E. 2004. "Amplifying Real Estate Value through Energy & Water Management: From ESCO to 'Energy Services Partner.'" Proceedings of the 2004 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Asilomar, CA August 22-27. LBNL-52768. (peer-reviewed) [PDF]
Mills, E. 1987. "Higher Mortgages, Lower Energy Bills: The Real Economics of Buying an Energy-Efficient Home." Proceedings of the Fifth International Energy-Efficient Building Conference and Exposition. Minneapolis, MN. [PDF]
Mills, E., N. Bourassa, L. Rainer, J. Mai, A. Shehabi, and N. Mills. 2019. "Toward Greener Gaming: Estimating National Energy Use and Energy Efficiency Potential." The Computer Games Journal, 8(3):157-178 [PDF]
Mills, E., N. Bourassa, L. Rainer, J. Mail, I. Vaino, C. Curtin, A. Shehabi, L-B Desroches, and N. Mills. 2018. "A Plug-loads Game Changer: Computer Gaming Energy Efficiency without Performance Compromise." Final Report to the California Energy Commission under project EPC-15-023, 85pp. [PDF]
Mills, E., N. Bourassa, L. Rainer, J. Mai, A. Shehabi, and N. Mills. 2018. “Green Gaming: Energy Efficiency without Performance Compromise.” Task 7 Report. Report to the California Energy Commission under project EPC-15-023, 140pp. [low-res PDF; high-res PDF]
Mills, E., T. Pollak, N. Bourassa, L. Rainer, J. Mai, N. Mills, L-B Desroches, and A. Shehabi. 2017. “An Energy-focused Profile of the Video Gaming Marketplace.” Prepared for the California Energy Commission by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. 70pp. [PDF]
Mills, E. 2017. “Gaming System Energy Efficiency Without Performance Compromise: Technology Transfer Plan.” Prepared for the California Energy Commission by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Bourassa, N.B., L. Rainer, and E. Mills. 2016. "Gaming System Acquisition Specifications Report: TASK 3: Develop Energy Performance Measurements & Benchmark Testing Options," 5pp.
Rainer, L., N.B. Bourassa, and E. Mills. 2016. "Gaming Systems Test Plan: TASK 5: Identify Options to Improve Energy Performance of Gaming PC Systems." Prepared for the California Energy Commission by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. 16pp. [PDF]
Mills, N. and E. Mills. 2015. "Taming the Energy Use of Gaming Computers." Energy Efficiency, 9:321–338, DOI 10.1007/s12053-015-9371-1. [PDF] [website]
Mills, E., D. Sartor, M. Herrlin, and S. Greenberg. 2016. Raising the Energy Efficiency of Data Centers: A Strategy for Public-Private Collaboration in the Utility Sector." Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 35pp. [PDF]
Mills, E., J. Granderson, R. Chan, R.C. Diamond, W. Fisk, P. Haves, P. Mathew, B. Nordman, M.A. Piette, G. Robinson, S.E. Selkowitz. 2015. "Green, Clean, and Mean: Pushing the Envelope in Tech Industry Building." Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory report 1005070. Prepared for Microsoft. [PDF][website]
Mills, E., J. Koomey, E. Masanet, B. Nordman, and K. Christensen. 2013. "A Broader View on Greening the Internet." Posted onliune comment, Science.
Mills, E. 2009. "Sustainable Scientists." Environmental Science and Technology, 43(4):973-1238. LBNL-1540E [Web] [PDF]
Mills, E. 2009. "The True Carbon Footprint of Going Online." Sunday Times (London), February 1 [PDF] See the full deconstruction of this misleading article [Tempest in a Tea Kettle]
Mills, E., W. Tschudi, J. Shalf, H. Simon. 2008. "Supercomputers: Superpolluters?" The Data Center Journal, vol. 7, May, p. 16-18. LBNL-359E. [PDF]
Mills, E. and W. Tschudi. 2008. "Data Center Research and Lawrence Berkeley Lab." The Data Center Journal. vol. 6, April, p. 18-19. [PDF]
Tschudi, W., et al. 2008. "High-Performance High-Tech Buildings." Final Report for the California Energy Commission.
Mills, E., W. Tschudi, and P. Rumsey. 2007. "Best Practices for Saving Energy in Data Centers." Bladeletter. March 7. [PDF]
Mills, E., G. Shamshoian, M. Blazek, P. Naughton, R.S. Seese, W. Tschudi, and D. Sartor. 2007. "The Business Case for Energy Management in High-Tech Industries." Energy Efficiency, 1(1):5-20 [Online version] [PDF]
Based on Shamshoian, G., M. Blazek, P. Naughton, R.S. Seese, E. Mills, and W. Tschudi. 2005. "High-Tech Means High-Efficiency: The Business Case for Energy Management in High-Tech Industries." LBNL-59127 [PDF] [Forbes Article] [Project Website]
Greenberg, S., E. Mills, B. Tschudi, P. Rumsey, and B. Myatt. 2006. "Best Practices for Data Centers: Results from Benchmarking 22 Data Centers." Proceedings of the 2006 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings. (peer-reviewed) [PDF]
Shamshoian, G., M. Blazek, P. Naughton, R. Seese, E. Mills, and W. Tschudi. 2005. "High-Tech Means High Efficiency." Forbes. November 18. LBNL/PUB-942. [Online | PDF]
Mills, E. and D. Sartor. 2005. "Energy Use and Savings Potential for Laboratory Fume Hoods." Energy 30:1859-1864 [PDF]
Based on Mills, E. and D. Sartor. 2006. "Energy Use and Savings Potential for Laboratory Fume Hoods." LBNL-55400. [Summary]
Tschudi, W., E. Mills, P. Rumsey, T. Xu. 2005. "Measuring and Managing Energy Use in Cleanrooms." HPAC Engineering, LBNL/PUB-946 [PDF]
Tschudi, W., P. Rumsey, E. Mills, S. Greenberg. 2005. "Measuring and Managing Energy Use in Data Centers." HPAC Engineering, LBNL/PUB-945 [PDF]
Mills, E. "Energy Management in Cleanrooms: From The Lab to the Marketplace". 2004. Association of Facility Engineers Newsletter. LBNL/PUB-903.
Bell, G., D. Sartor, and E. Mills. 2003. "The Berkeley Hood: Development and Commercialization of a High-Performance Laboratory Fume Hood." LBNL-48983 (rev.) [PDF]
Bell, G., D. Sartor, and E. Mills. 2002. "High Performance Fume Hood Field Test Results and Research Agenda." Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory [PDF]
Tschudi, W., D. Sartor, E. Mills, and T. Xiu. 2002. "High-Performance Laboratories and Cleanrooms: A Technology Roadmap." LBNL-50599 [PDF]
Sartor, D., G. Bell, E. Mills. 2002. "Research for Researchers." Engineered Systems (June). [Online version][PDF]
Mills, E. 2004. "The Berkeley Hood." Technology Review. December.
Bell, G., D. Sartor, and E. Mills. 2001. "High-Performance Laboratory Fume Hood Field Test at the University of California, San Francisco." LBID-2396. [PDF]
Bell, G., D. Sartor, and E. Mills. 2001. "The Berkeley Hood: Lessons from Field Demonstrations." Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Bell, G., E. Mills, D. Sartor, D. Avery, M. Siminovitch, and M.A. Piette. 1996. "Energy Design Guide for Research Laboratories." Prepared for the California Institute for Energy Efficiency. LBNL-38487 [Online version]
Mills, E. 1996. "Energy Efficiency in Laboratory-Type Facilities." Center for Building Science News 3(3):8. LBL/PUB-731. [Online version]
Mills, E., G. Bell, D. Sartor, A. Chen, D. Avery, M. Siminovitch, S. Greenberg, G. Marton, A. de Almeida, and L.E. Lock. 1996. "Energy Efficiency in California Laboratory-Type Facilities." Prepared for the California Institute for Energy Efficiency. LBNL-39061 [PDF]
Mills, E. 2025. "Energy-intensive indoor cultivation drives the cannabis industry’s expanding carbon footprint," Cell Press: One Earth [PDF] [Supplemental Information]
Mills, E. 2023. Environmental Justice, Up in Smoke (Slate)
Mills, E. 2022. "Contrary to Conventional Methods, Best Practices for Cannabis Cultivation Result in Less Intensive Land and Water Use for Outdoor than for Indoor Farming," Energy Associates, 13pp. [PDF]
Mills, E. 2022. Testimony related to regulatory violations and environmental justice, presented at the Bay Area Air Quality Management District hearing, June 27, 2022. "Report on the Foreseeability and Avoidability of Power Disruptions and the Need for 11 Megawatts of Diesel Generators to Power Cannabis Cultivation at 5601 and 5733 San Leandro Street Oakland, CA." [PDF]
Mills, E. 2022. "Cannabis is Radioactive Enough. Grow it Outdoors to Keep Diablo Canyon's Closure on Schedule." San Francisco Examiner, September 1 [online|PDF]
Mills, E. 2022. "Cannabis ESG Risk is a Buzzkill for Investors." Medium [PDF]
Mills, E. 2022. "The Incompatibility of Cannabis Factory Farming with the Principles of ESG Risks and Impact Investment." Journal of Impact and ESG Investing, London: Portfolio Management Research, Winter 2022, 3 (2) 109-136. DOI: [PDF]
Mills, E. and S. Zeramby. 2022. "Energy Use by the Indoor Cannabis Industry: Inconvenient Truths for Producers, Policymakers, and Consumers." Chapter in The Routledge Handbook of Post-Prohibition Cannabis Research, D. Corva and J. Meisel, eds., 243-265 [PDF]
Mills, E. 2021. "Earth Day and Weed Day are an Odd Couple" - Medium - April 19, 2021 [PDF]
Mills, E. 2021. "To Make Cannabis Green, We Need to Grow it Outdoors" - SLATE - March 10, 2021 [PDF]
Mills, E. 2021. "Comment on “Cannabis and the Environment: What Science Tells Us and What We Still Need to Know." Environmental Science & Technology Letters 8, 6, 483–485 [PDF]
Mills, E. 2020. "The Voracious Energy Appetite of Indoor Cannabis Cultivation." Building Performance Community - August 11 [PDF]
Mills, E. 2016. "Indoor Pot: Climate in the Balance in November Ballot." Oregon Cannabis Connection - October 17 [PDF]
Mills, E. 2019 "California: A Cannabis-Climate Train Wreck in Progress." [online]
Mills, E. 2018. "Not-so-Green Greenhouses for Cannabis Hyper-Cultivation," 5pp. [PDF]
Mills, E. 2016. "A Low Point for High Times." Letter to the Editor of High Times magazine, April 4.
Mills, E. 2012. "The Carbon Footprint of Indoor Cannabis Production," Energy Policy 46:58–67 [PDF]
Industry Exposure to Climate Risks
Mills, E., 2022. "El Seguor y la Gestion del Cambio Climatico (The Contribution of Insurance for Climate Change Management)". Fasecolda journal. Colombian Federation of Insurance Companies, pp. 188:66-71, in Spanish. [PDF]
Mills, E., T. Lamm, S. Sukhia, E. Elkind, and A. Ezroj. 2018. "Trial by Fire: Managing Climate Risks Facing Insurers in the Golden State." Sacramento: California Department of Insurance, 93pp. [PDFs - high-res and low-res]
Mills, E. and R. B. Jones. 2016. "An Insurance Perspective on U.S. Electric Grid Disruptions." The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance -- Issues and Practice, International Association for the Study of Insurance Economics, 41(4): 555-586. [PDF]
Mills, E. 2013. "On Climate Change, a Do-Nothing Strategy is Not Risk-Free." National Underwriter, Property Casualty 360 (invited) [Online | PDF] (invited)
Mills, E. 2012. "Weighing the Risks of Climate Change Mitigation Strategies." Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 68(6):67–78 [PDF] (invited)
Mills, E. 2010. Pseudoscience Begets Pseudoinsurance - January 26 - Climate Progress [PDF] Grist [link|PDF]
Mills, E. 2005. "Insurance in a Climate of Change," Science 309:1040-1044 [Online version] [PDF] (invited)
Mills, E. 2005. "Insurance Sector Vulnerabilities to Climate Change," Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington, DC. (Abstract)
Mills, E., E. Lecomte, and A. Peara. 2002. "Insurers in the Greenhouse." Journal of Insurance Regulation Vol 21, No 1. (Fall) [PDF]
Mills, E., E. Lecomte, and A. Peara. 2001. "Perspectives of the U.S. Insurance Industry on Global Climate Change." Journal of the National Institute of Urban Search and Rescue. LBNL-45185 [PDF]
Mills, E., E. Lecomte, and A. Peara. 2001. "U.S. Insurance Industry Perspectives on Global Climate Change." LBNL-45185 [PDF]
Mills E., E. Lecomte, A. Peara. 2001. "Insurers Not of One Mind on Climate Change." UNEP Finance Initiatives Quarterly. Vol 1, No. 1., pp. 8-11. June. [PDF]
Vellinga, P. V., E. Mills, L. Bouwer, G. Berz, S. Huq, L. Kozak, J. Paultikof, B. Schanzenbacker, S. Shida, G. Soler, C. Benson, P. Bidan, J. Bruce, P. Huyck, G. Lemcke, A. Peara, R. Radevsky, C. van Schoubroeck, A. Dlugolecki. 2001. "Insurance and Other Financial Services." Chapter 8 in Climate Change 2001: Impacts, Vulnerability, and Adaptation. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, United Nations and World Meteorological Organization, Geneva. Working Group II. Coordinating Lead Author. (invited) (peer-reviewed) [PDF]
Peara, A. and E. Mills. 1999. "Climate for Change: An Actuarial Perspective on Global Warming and its Potential Impact on Insurers." Contingencies: Journal of the American Academy of Actuaries, pp. 16-23, (January/February issue). LBNL-42580. [PDF]
Mills, E. 1998. "The Coming Storm-Global Warming and Risk Management." Risk Management, pp. 20-27, (May). [Online]
Mills, E. 1998. "Insurers Have Much to Gain, Lose in Battle to Ease Threat of Global Warming." National Underwriter, 102 (38): 33-40.
Mills, E. 1997. "Claims on the Global Warming Debate." The Washington Post, p. A23 (December 4). [Online]
Also excerpted in The International Herald Tribune, December 10, 1997.
Schanzenbacher, B. and E. Mills. 1997. "Climate Change from an Insurance Perspective." UPDATE, Institute for Business & Home Safety, pp. 3-5 (December). [PDF]
Reprinted in the Newsletter of the United Nations Environment Programme's Economics, Trade & Environment Unit, Issue 3, January 1998, pp. 5-7.
Consumer Perspectives
Jones, D., E. Mills, and T. Lamm. 2018. "Insurance Needs Reform in California's Changing Climate." San Francisco Chronicle [link; PDF]
Ross, C., E. Mills, and S. Hecht. 2007. "Limiting Liability in the Greenhouse: Insurance Risk-Management in the Context of Global Climate Change." Stanford Environmental Law Journal and the Stanford Journal of International Law, Symposium on Climate Change Risk, Vol. 26A/43A:251-334 [PDF] (invited)
Mills E. 2006. "The Erosion of Insurability." World Trade Executive. September 5, p. 4-9 [PDF]
Mills, E., R.J. Roth Jr., and E. Lecomte. 2006. "Availability and Affordability of Insurance Under Climate Change: A Growing Challenge for the U.S." Journal of Insurance Regulation, Winter 2006, Vol. 25, Issue No. 2, pp. 109-149 [PDF]
Also published in report form by Ceres (2005) [PDF]
Mills, E. 2004. "Insurance as an Adaptation Strategy for Extreme Weather Events in Developing Countries and Economies in Transition: New Opportunities for Public-Private Partnerships." Prepared for the U.S. Agency for International Development, LBNL-52220 [PDF]
Health and Life Insurance
Less, B., I. Walker, D. Lorenzetti, E. Mills, V. Rapp, S. Dutton, M. Sohn, X. Li, J. Clark and M Sherman. 2020. "Smart Ventilation for Advanced California Homes." Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Report, 492pp. [PDF]
Epstein, P. and E. Mills. 2005. "Climate Change is Hazardous to Your Health." Forbes. November 16. LBNL/PUB-940. [Online version | PDF]
Epstein, P. and E. Mills (eds.). 2005. "Climate Change Futures: Health, Ecological and Economic Dimensions." Published by Harvard Medical School, sponsored by Swiss Re and the U.N. Development Programme. (Contributing Authors: P. Anderson, J. Brownstein, U. Confalonieri, D. Causey, N. Chan, K. L. Ebi, J. H. Epstein, J. S. Greene, R. Hayes, E. Hofmann, L. S. Kalkstein, T. Kjellstrom, R. Lincoln, A. J. McMichael, C. McNeill, D. Mills, A. Milne, A. D. Perrin, G. Ranmuthugala, C. Rogers, C. Rosenzweig, C. L. Soskolne, G. Tabor, M. V., X.B. Yang). [PDF]
Peara, A. and E. Mills. 1999. "Global Climate Change and its Implications for Life Insurance and Health Organizations," Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Report [PDF]
The Greening of Insurance
Mills, E. 2022. "Inclusive Green Insurance for Climate Change in the Global South: Thoughts for Colombia," Medium, October 26 [link]
Mills, E. 2013. "Insurers as Partners in Inclusive Green Growth." Prepared for the World Bank Group's International Finance Corporation as input to the G20, Washington, DC, 45pp. [PDF]
Mills, E. 2012. "The Greening of Insurance," Science 338:1424-1425 (invited) [PDF]
Mills, E. 2012. "The Greening of Insurance" ECEEE Editorial. [Online version] [PDF] (invited)
David Gardiner & Associates, E. Mills, S. Leurig. 2011. “The Insurance Industry and Climate Action: Obstacles & Opportunities.” Published by Ceres. 44pp.
Mills, E. 2009. "A Global Review of Insurance Industry Responses to Climate Change." The Geneva Papers, International Association for the Study of Insurance Economics, 34:323-359. [PDF] (invited)
Mills, E. 2009. "From Risk to Opportunity 2008: Insurer Responses to Climate Change." Published by Ceres. [PDF]
Mills, E. 2009. Take-Five Interview - - National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies. [pdf]
Mills, E. 2008. "Scientist's View: Insurers Making up for Lost Time on Climate Change" Reactions, September 1 [PDF]
Mills, E. 2008. "Why Going Green Matters." Best's Review - March [PDF] [Audio]
Mills, E. 2008. Take-Five Interview. - National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies. [pdf]
Mills, E. and P. Thacker. 2007. "Interview: The Insurance Industry Prepares for Climate Change." Environmental Science & Technology, April 19 [pdf]
Mills, E. 2007. Take-Five Interview - - National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies [pdf]
Mills, E. 2007. "Spotlight: Climate Change Issues: Q&A With Evan Mills." Business Insurance, September 3.
Mills, E. and E. Lecomte. 2007. "From Risk to Opportunity: How Insurers Can Proactively and Profitably Manage Climate Change." Kiplinger [PDF]
Mills, E. 2007. "From Risk to Opportunity: 2007 - Insurer Responses to Climate Change." Published by Ceres. [PDF]
Mills, E. and E. Lecomte. 2007. "From Risk to Opportunity: How Insurers Can Proactively and Profitably Manage Climate Change." Published by Ceres, Boston, MA. [PDF]. See also summary in Kiplinger [PDF]
Mills, E. 2007. "Responding to Climate Change — The Insurance Industry Perspective." In Climate Action, Sustainable Development International (in partnership with the United Nations Environment Programme), December, pp. 100-103. (invited)[Online version] [PDF]
Mills, E. 2007. "The Role of NAIC in Responding to Climate Change," UCLA Journal of Environmental Law and Policy, Volume 26, Issue 1, pp. 129-168. [PDF] (invited)
Originally published as Testimony to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, December 8, 2006, San Antonio, TX [PDF] (invited)
Mills, E. and E. Lecomte. 2007. "From Risk to Opportunity: How Insurers Can Proactively and Profitably Manage Climate Change." Kiplinger [PDF]
Mills, E. and E. Lecomte. 2006. "From Risk to Opportunity: How Insurers Can Proactively and Profitably Manage Climate Change." Published by Ceres, Boston, MA [PDF]
Mills, E. 2003. "The Insurance and Risk Management Industries: New Players in the Delivery of Energy-Efficient Products and Services." Energy Policy 31:1257-1272 [PDF]
Earlier versions published in Proceedings of the ECEEE 1999 Summer Study, May 31-June 4, 1999, Mandelieu, France. Stockholm: for an Energy-Efficient Economy (refereed) [PDF] and for the United Nations Environment Programme's 4th International Conference of the Insurance Industry Initiative, Natural Capital at Risk: Sharing Practical Experiences from the Insurance and Investment Industries, July 10-11, 1999, Oslo, Norway LBNL-43642 (invited)
Mills, E. 2003. "Risk Transfer via Energy Savings Insurance." Energy Policy, 31:273-281. LBNL-48927 [PDF]
Reprinted in Energia Racional No. 57., pp. 15-26, Oct.-Dic. 2005 (in Spanish).
Vine, E., E. Mills, and A. Chen. 1999. "Playing the Green Card", The Review: Worldwide Reinsurance Emap Business Communications, p. 32, February.
Vine, E., E. Mills, and A. Chen. 1999. "Tapping Into Energy: New Technologies and Procedures that Use Energy More Efficiently or Supply Renewable Energy Offer a Largely Untapped Path to Achieving Risk Management Objectives." Best's Review-Property/Casualty Edition, May, pp. 83-85. Oldwick, NJ: A.M. Best Company. [Online version] [PDF]
Mills, E., A. Deering, and E. Vine. 1998. "Energy Efficiency: Proactive Strategies for Risk Managers." Risk Management, pp.12-16 (March). LBNL-41751 [Online | PDF]
Vine, E., E. Mills, and A. Chen. 1998. "Energy-Efficient and Renewable Energy Options for Risk Management & Insurance Loss Reduction." Energy, 25 (2000): 131-147 [PDF]
Full Report: "Energy-Efficient and Renewable Energy Options for Risk Management & Insurance Loss Reduction: An Inventory of Technologies, Research Capabilities, and Research Facilities at the U.S. Department of Energy's National Laboratories." LBNL-41432. [Report PDF] [Appendices]
Mills, E. 1997. "Energy Efficiency as an Insurance Loss-Prevention Strategy." Proceedings of the 13th Annual Quality Building Conference, New England Sustainable Energy Association, pp. 39-45.
Mills, E. and I. Knoepfel. 1997. "Energy-Efficiency Options for Insurance Loss-Prevention." Proceedings of the 1997 ECEEE Summer Study, Copenhagen, Denmark. Stockholm: European Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy. LBNL-40426 (peer-reviewed) [PDF]
Mills, E. 1997. "Going Green Reduces Losses." Reinsurance Magazine, 27 (12):24 (March). Part of a five-part special Technical Report on Environment (Timothy Benn Publishing Ltd., London)
Mills, E. 1996. "Energy-Efficiency Strategies for Insurance Companies." Center for Building Science News 3(3):1-2,7. LBL/PUB-731.
Reprinted in Interior Concerns Newsletter, Jan/Feb 1997, pp. 3-4.
Mills, E. 1996. "Reducing the Insurance Liability of Climate Change through Energy Efficiency." Proceedings of the Climate Analysis Workshop (Department of Agriculture, Department of Commerce, Department of Energy, Department of State, Environmental Protection Agency), June 6-7, Springfield, Virginia.
Mills, E. 1996. "Energy Efficiency: No-Regrets Climate Change Insurance for the Insurance Industry." Journal of the Society of Insurance Research, Fall, pp. 21-58 [PDF]
Mills, E. 2002. "The $230-billion Global Lighting Energy Bill." Proceedings of the Fifth European Conference on Energy-Efficient Lighting, International Association for Energy-Efficient Lighting, Nice, France 29-31 May 2002, pp. 368-385. (peer-reviewed) [PDF]
Mills, E. 2002. "Global Lighting Energy Savings Potential." Light and Engineering, 10(4):5-10. [PDF] (invited)
Mills, E. (ed). 1993. "Energy-Efficient Lighting." Special Issue of Energy (Pergamon Press, UK).
Mills, E. 1993. "Lighting Manufacturers Look to Their Roots." Newsletter of the International Association for Energy-Efficient Lighting (2/93).
Rosenfeld, A H., and E. Mills. 1992. "A Better Idea." Washington Post (August 3) [PDF | Online version]
Reprinted as:
"Simple Ideas can Avoid Chernobyls", International Herald Tribune, August 4
"Better Light Bulb Could Help Cut the Risk of More Chernobyls," Minneapolis Star Tribune, August 10
"A Better Idea for the Former Soviet Union," in Compact News, October
Mills, E. (ed). 1991. Proceedings of the 1st European Conference on Energy-Efficient Lighting. Published by the Swedish National Board for Industrial and Technical Development, Stockholm, Sweden.
Calwell, C. and E. Mills. 1998. "Halogen Torchieres: A Look at Market Transformation in Progress." Svetotechnika (Light and Engineering), No. 2/98, pp. 29-32. (in Russian) (invited)
Previously published in the Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Energy-Efficient Lighting, November 18-21, 1997, Copenhagen, Denmark (in English). [PDF]
Mills, E., M. Siminovitch, E. Page, and R. Sardinsky. 1997. "Dedicated Compact Fluorescent Fixtures: The Next Generation for Residential Lighting." Svetotechnika (Light and Engineering), No 1/2, pp. 29-33. (in Russian) (invited)
Previously published in the Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Energy-Efficient Lighting, Newcastle, UK, pp. 207-216. LBNL-36835 [PDF]
Page, E., E. Mills, and M. Siminovitch. 1997. "New Energy Efficient Torchieres Ready for Hot Torchiere Market." Proceedings of Energy Efficiency in Household Appliances. November 10-12, Florence, Italy. LBNL-41176 [PDF]
Siminovitch, M. and E. Mills. 1995. "Dedicated Compact Fluorescent Fixtures: The Next Generation for Residential Lighting." Lighting Design & Application, March, pp. 28-32.
Mills, E. and M. Siminovitch. 1995. "Dedicated CFL Fixtures Bring Savings Home." Newsletter of the International Association for Energy-Efficient Lighting, (1/95), pp. 6-8.
Mills, E. 1994. "HVAC Savings?" Newsletter of the International Association for Energy-Efficient Lighting (4/94).
Mills, E. 1994. "More on Mercury." Newsletter of the International Association for Energy-Efficient Lighting (1/94).
Mills, E. and M.A. Piette. 1993. "Advanced Energy-Efficient Lighting Systems: Progress and Potential." Energy, 18(2):75-98 [PDF]
Reprinted In Integrated Resource Planning. A.T. de Almeida, et al., eds. Kluwer Academic Publishers, NATO Advanced Study Institute, vol. 261, pp. 205-228.
Mills, E. 1993. "Mercury: A Broader Perspective." Newsletter of the International Association for Energy-Efficient Lighting (3/93).
Mills, E. and N. Borg. 1993. "Mercury and Lighting: Managing the Problem." Newsletter of the International Association for Energy-Efficient Lighting (3/93).
Mills, E. 1993. "A Graceful Exit." Newsletter of the International Association for Energy-Efficient Lighting (3/93).
Mills, E. 1993. "Not Cool to Be Hot." Newsletter of the International Association for Energy-Efficient Lighting (2/93).
Reprinted in Center for Building Science News 1(1):4-5. LBL/PUB-731.
Market Assessment
Mills, E. 2000. "Global Lighting: 1000 Power Plants." Newsletter of the International Association for Energy-Efficient Lighting (1-2/00), pp. 1. [PDF]
Mills, E., and D. Vorsatz. 1997. "Compact Fluorescents Face Tough Competition." Newsletter of the International Association for Energy-Efficient Lighting (3-4/97), pp. 4-8.
Fu Min, G., E. Mills, and Q. Zhang. 1997. "Energy-Efficient Lighting in China: Problems and Prospects." Energy Policy 25 (1): 77-83 (January) [PDF]
Based on work originally published in the Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Energy-Efficient Lighting, Newcastle, UK. LBNL-36822 [PDF]
Mills, E. 1997. "The U.S. Compact Fluorescent Lamp Market: The Technology is Getting Better, but So Are The Competitors." Prepared for Investment Research, Inc. 15pp. [PDF]
Jennings, J., M. Moezzi, R. Brown, E. Mills, R. Sardinsky, B. Heckendorn, and D. Lerman. 1997. "Residential Lighting: The Data to Date." Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America, 26(2):129-138 [PDF]
Earlier version appeared in the Proceedings of the 1996 North American Illuminating Engineering Society Meeting, LBNL-35484. [PDF]
Calwell, C. and E. Mills. 1996. "Halogen Uplights and Hot Ceilings." Newsletter of the International Association for Energy-Efficient Lighting (4/96), pp. 1
Jennings, J., R. Brown, M. Moezzi, E. Mills, and R. Sardinsky. 1995. "An Assessment of the U.S. Residential Lighting Market." LBNL-37456. [PDF]
Jennings, J., R. Brown, M. Moezzi, E. Mills, and R. Sardinsky. 1995. "A Snapshot of the Residential Lighting Market." LBNL-37456.
Wilms, W. and E. Mills. 1995. "Analysis of Price and Non-Price Factors in the Adoption of Compact Fluorescent Lamps by Households." Light and Engineering 3(1):33-43 (in English) [PDF] (invited). Also published in Svetotechnika, No 3. 1995 (in Russian) (invited)
Based on work originally published in the Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Energy-Efficient Lighting. LBL-34640 [PDF]
Mills, E. 1995. "China: High Quality Means Savings." Newsletter of the International Association for Energy-Efficient Lighting (3-4/95), pp. 14.
Reprinted in Dossier Componenti (European Lighting Components). March 1995, 37:235-243. Venice, Italy (in Italian).
Mills, E. 1994. "China—A Lighting Giant." Newsletter of the International Association for Energy-Efficient Lighting (3/94).
Reprinted in Dossier Componenti (European Lighting Components), Milan, Italy (in Italian).
Mills, E. 1993. "A Trillion-Dollar Appetite for Electricity." Newsletter of the International Association for Energy-Efficient Lighting (1/93).
Market Transformation
Mills, E. 1999. "Meeting CFLs in Budapest's New York Cafe." Newsletter of the International Association for Energy-Efficient Lighting (2/98), pp. 10.
Mills, E. 1999. "Lighting by Example." Newsletter of the International Association for Energy-Efficient Lighting (1/99), pp. 9-11.
Mills, E. 1998. "Lighting Programs at Your Fingertips." Newsletter of the International Association for Energy-Efficient Lighting (1/98), pp. 10-11.
Avery, D., E. Mills, M. Breighner, and J. Naylis. 1998. "Campus Lighting—Lighting Efficiency Options for Student Residential Living Units: A Study at Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts". LBNL/PUB-816 [PDF]
Also published by Arkwright Mutual Insurance Co. and by the University Risk Management and Insurance Association's URMIA Journal, 1999, pp. 44-52, Chevy Chase, MD.
Siminovitch, M. and E. Mills. 1994. "Fixing the Fixtures." Home Energy pp. 47-49 (Nov/Dec 1994) [PDF].
Aizenberg, J. and E. Mills. 1993. "Light from Glasnost." Newsletter of the International Association for Energy-Efficient Lighting (3/93).
Mills, E. 1993. "Efficient Lighting Shines on Pakistan." Newsletter of the International Association for Energy-Efficient Lighting (1/93).
Mills, E. 1993. "Efficient Lighting Programs in Europe: Cost-Effectiveness, Consumer Response, and Market Dynamics." Energy 18(2):131-144 [PDF]
Mills, E. 1992. "The World Bank Moves Towards Mexican CFL Loan." Newsletter of the International Association for Energy-Efficient Lighting (2/92).
Mills, E. 1992. "A Caribbean Success Story." Newsletter of the International Association for Energy-Efficient Lighting (2/92).
Mills, E. and N. Borg. 1991. "Short Term Financial Impacts of Energy-Efficiency Programmes on European Electrical Utilities." Proceedings of the 1st European Conference on Energy-Efficient Lighting. E. Mills, ed. Published by the Swedish National Board for Industrial and Technical Development, Stockholm, Sweden. pp. 305-318. (peer-reviewed) [PDF]
Mills, E. 1991. "Evaluation of European Lighting Programs: Utilities Finance Energy Efficiency." Energy Policy 19(3):266-278 [PDF]
Mills, E. 1991. "Using Financial Incentives to Promote Compact Fluorescent Lamps in Europe: Cost Effectiveness and Consumer Response in 10 Countries." Proceedings of the 1st European Conference on Energy-Efficient Lighting. E. Mills, ed. Published by the Swedish National Board for Industrial and Technical Development, Stockholm, Sweden. (peer-reviewed) [PDF]
Mills, E. 1991. "An International Compilation of Lighting Efficiency Programmes: Programme Participation Rates, Costs, Cost-Effectiveness, and Consumer Response." Lund University Technical Report, Department of Environmental and Energy Systems Studies, Lund, Sweden.
Mills, E. 1991. "Optimizing Energy Efficiency for Specific Areas of Urban Management: Urban Lighting." Prepared for the OECD Environment Directorate, Group on Urban Planning, Project Group on Environmental Improvement Through Urban Energy Management. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Report Number ENV/UA/E(91)8.
Mills, E., A. Persson, and J. Strahl. 1990. "The Inception and Proliferation of Residential European Lighting Efficiency Programs." Proceedings of the 1990 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings. American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, Washington, D.C., pp. 8.155-8.167. (peer-reviewed) [PDF]
Translated into Swedish as "Introduktion och Spridning av Kampanjer i Europa för Eleffektiv Belysning i Hushall." Stockholm: Swedish National Board for Industrial and Technical Development.
Codes, Standards & Guidelines
Mills, E. and N. Borg. 1999. "Trends in Recommended Lighting Levels: An International Comparison." Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America 28(1):155-163. [PDF]
Based on work originally published in Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Energy-Efficient Lighting. LBL-34565 [PDF]
Mills, E. 1998. "Rethinking Light Levels." Newsletter of the International Association for Energy-Efficient Lighting (1/98), pp. 4-7.
Mills, E. 1996. "Energy-Efficient Lighting Policies and Programs from the United States Government." Light and Engineering (published in English and Russian), 3(3):61-70. (invited)!
Mills, E. 1993. "U.S. Law Helps Tap Large Savings Potential." Newsletter of the International Association for Energy-Efficient Lighting (1/93).
McMahon, J.E., B. Atkinson, and E. Mills. 1993. "Potential for Governmental Policies to Improve U.S. Lighting Energy Efficiency in Commercial and Residential Buildings." Proceedings of the 1993 ECEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, pp. 335-348. (peer-reviewed) [PDF]
Atkinson, B., J. McMahon, E. Mills, P. Chan, T. Chan, J. Eto, J. Jennings, J. Koomey, K. Lo, M. Lecar, L. Price, F. Rubinstein, O. Sezgen, and T. Wenzel. 1992. "Analysis of Federal Policy Options for Improving U.S. Lighting Energy Efficiency: Commercial and Residential Buildings." LBL-31469. [PDF]
Off-grid Lighting & Energy Access in Developing Countries
Field Studies
Mills, E., J. Tracy, P. Alstone, A. Jacobson, and P. Avato. 2014. "Low-cost LED Flashlights and Market Spoiling in Kenya's Off-grid Lighting Market." Energy Efficiency 8:323–337 [PDF]
Mills, E., T. Gengnagal, and P. Wollburg. 2014. "Solar-LED Alternatives to Fuel-based Lighting for Night Fishing." Energy for Sustainable Development 21:30-41. [PDF]
Alstone, P., K. Radecsky, A. Jacobson, and E. Mills. 2014. "Field Study Methods and Results from a Market Trial of Night Market Vendors in Rural Kenya." Light and Engineering 22(2):23-37. [PDF]
Gengnegal, T., P. Wolburg, and E. Mills. 2013. "Alternatives to Fuel-Based Lighting for Night Fishing: Field Tests of Lake and Ocean Applications in East Africa." Lumina Project Technical Report #11. [Online summary][PDF]
Tracy, J. and E. Mills. 2012. "LED Lighting Beneficial for the Developing World." World Poultry. pp. 32-33, January [Online version & downloads] [PDF]
Tracy, J. and E. Mills. 2011. "Illuminating The Pecking Order in Off-Grid Lighting: A Demonstration of LED Lighting for Saving Energy in the Poultry Sector," Light and Engineering, Vol 19, No. 4, pp 67-76 [PDF] Also as Lumina Project Technical Report #8, 2010 [PDF] (invited)
Alstone, P. A. Jacobson, and E. Mills. 2010. "Illumination Sufficiency Survey Techniques: In-situ Measurements of Lighting System Performance and a User Preference Survey for Illuminance in an Off-Grid, African Setting ." Lumina Project Research Note #7 [Web][PDF]
Tracy, J., P. Alstone, A. Jacobson, and E. Mills. 2010. "Market Trial: Selling Off-Grid Lighting Products in Rural Kenya," Lumina Project Technical Report #6 [PDF]
Tracy, J., A. Jacobson, and E. Mills. 2010. "Use Patterns of LED Flashlights in Kenya and a One-Year Cost Analysis of Flashlight Ownership." Lumina Project Research Note #5. [PDF]
Tracy, J., A. Jacobson, and E. Mills. 2009. "Quality and Performance of LED Flashlights in Kenya: Common End User Preferences and Complaints." Lumina Project Research Note #4. [PDF]
Johnstone, P., A. Jacobson, E. Mills, and K Radecsky. 2009. "Observed Minimum Illuminance Threshold for Night Market Vendors in Kenya Who Use LED Lamps." Lumina Project Research Note #3. LBNL-2148E. [PDF]
Johnstone, P., A. Jacobson, E.. Mills, and M. Mumbi. 2009. "Self-reported Impacts of LED Lighting Technology Compared to Fuel-based Lighting on Night Market Business Prosperity in Kenya." Lumina Project Research Note #2. LBNL-2076E. [PDF]
Radecsky, K., P. Johnstone, A. Jacobson, and E. Mills. 2008. "Solid-State Lighting on a Shoestring Budget: The Economics of Off-Grid Lighting for Small Businesses in Kenya." Lumina Project Technical Report #3. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and Humboldt State University. LBNL-2075E. [PDF]
Mills, E. and A. Jacobson. 2007. "The Off-Grid Lighting Market in Western Kenya: LED Alternatives and Consumer Preferences in a Millennium Development Village." Lumina Project Technical Report #2. [PDF]
Jones, R., D. Jianping, Z. Gentry, I. Gur, and E. Mills. 2005. "Alternatives to Fuel-based Lighting in China." Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Energy-Efficient Lighting, Shanghai. (refereed) [PDF]
Mills, E. 2000. "Fuel-Based Lighting in the Workplace." Newsletter of the International Association for Energy-Efficient Lighting (1-2/00), pp. 12. [PDF]
Mills, E. 1996. "Light & Lighting: A Photo Essay from India." Newsletter of the International Association for Energy-Efficient Lighting (2/96), p. 1.
Health & Safety
Mills, E. 2016. "Identifying and Reducing the Health and Safety Impacts of Fuel-Based Lighting." Energy for Sustainable Development, 30:39-50. [PDF]
Mills, E. 2014. "Light for Life: Identifying and Reducing the Health and Safety Impacts of Fuel-based Lighting." Prepared for United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) en.lighten initiative, Paris. [PDF]
Mills, E. 2012. "Health Impacts of Fuel-based Lighting." Lumina Project Technical Report #10. [Online summary & downloads][PDF]
Apple, J., R. Vicente, A. Yarberry, N. Lohse, E. Mills, A. Jacobson, and D. Poppendieck. 2010. "Characterization of Particulate Matter Size Distributions and Indoor Concentrations from Kerosene and Diesel Lamps." Indoor Air 20(5):399-411 [PDF]
Policy & Economics
Mills, E. 2023. "Green Remittances: A Novel Form of Sustainability Finance." Energy Policy. 176:113501 [PDF]
Mills, E. 2017. "Beware Kerosene Subsidies". Editorial. European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy. [PDF] [online]
Mills, E. 2017. "Global Kerosene Subsidies: An Obstacle to Energy Efficiency and Development." World Development [PDF]
Mills, E. 2016. "Job Creation and Energy Savings Through a Transition to Modern Off-grid Lighting." Energy for Sustainable Development 33:155-166. [PDF]
Mills, E. 2015. "Can Technology Free Developing Countries from Light Poverty?" The Guardian, July 30. [PDF]
Craine, S., E. Mills, and J. Guay. 2014. "Clean Energy Services for All: Financing Universal Electrification." Sierra Club: Washington, D.C., 8pp. [PDF]
Mills. 2014. “Lifting the Darkness on the Price of Light: An Assessment of Energy Subsidies on the Off-grid Lighting Market in ECOWAS countries.” Prepared for United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) en.lighten initiative, Paris. [PDF]
Mills, E. 2014. “Light & Livelihood: A Bright Outlook for Employment in the Transition from Fuel-based Lighting to Electric Alternatives.” Prepared for United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) en.lighten initiative, Paris. [PDF]
Mills, E. 2011. "CDM Rewards High-quality Off-grid Lighting Products" Lighting Africa Newsletter, February 28. [PDF]
Mills, E. and A. Jacobson. 2011. "From Carbon to Light: A New Framework for Estimating Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions from Replacing Fuel-Based Lighting with LED Systems." Energy Efficiency, 4:523-546. [PDF]
Based on Mills, E. 2010. "From Carbon to Light." Lumina Project Technical Report #5 [PDF]
Mills, E. 2006. "Let There Be Light!" ECEEE Commentary. [PDF]
Mills, E. 2005. "The Specter of Fuel-Based Lighting," Science 308:1263-1264. [PDF] (invited)
Mills, E. 2003. "The Role of High-Efficiency Lighting Systems in Meeting Humanitarian Needs in Solar-LED Lighting for Camps for Refugees and Internally Displaced People." [PDF]
Mills, E. 2000. "Fuel for Lighting: An Expensive Commodity." Boiling Point. No. 45. Autumn. pp. 12-13. Intermediate Technology Development Group, Schumacher Centre for Technology & Development, United Kingdom.
Mills, E. 1999. "Fuel-based Light: Large CO2 Source." Newsletter of the International Association for Energy-Efficient Lighting (2/99), pp. 1-9.
Technology Assessment
Alstone, P., P. Lai, E. Mills, and A. Jacobson. 2014. "High Life Cycle Efficacy Explains Fast Energy Payback for Improved Off-Grid Lighting in the Developing World." Journal of Industrial Ecology 18(5):722-733 [PDF] [Supporting Material]
Alstone, P., E. Mills, and A. Jacobson. 2011. "Embodied Energy and Off-Grid Lighting." Lumina Project Technical Report #9
Tracy, J., A. Jacobson, and E. Mills. 2010. "Assessing the Performance of LED-Based Flashlights Available in the Kenyan Off-Grid Lighting Market." Lumina Project Research Note #6. [PDF]
Granderson, J., J Galvin, D. Bolotov, R. Clear, A. Jacobson, and E. Mills. 2008. "Measured Off-Grid LED Lighting System Performance." Lumina Project Technical Report #4. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and Humboldt State University. LBNL-2025E. [PDF]
World Bank and International Finance Corporation. 2007. "Product Quality Assurance for Offgrid Lighting in Africa." Conference Proceedings from the Lighting Africa Product Quality Assurance Workshop, Airlie Conference Center, Arlie VA, October 14-16. Prepared for ESMAP. LBNL-428E. [PDF]
Mills, E. 2007. "Assessing the Performance of 5mm White LED Light Sources for Developing-Country Applications." LBNL-62620. [PDF]
Mills, E. and A. Jacobson. 2007. "The Need for Independent Quality and Performance Testing for Emerging Off-grid White-LED Illumination Systems for Developing Countries." Light & Engineering, 16(2):5-24. [PDF], and Russian, Svetotekhnika, 2:4-11 (invited)
Based on Lumina Project Technical Report #1. [PDF]
Mills, E. 2003. "Technical and Economic Performance Analysis of Kerosene Lamps and Alternative Approaches to Illumination in Developing Countries." Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. [PDF]
Mills, E. 2023. Harvesting Private Capital to Restore Forests (Medium) [PDF]
Less, B., I. Walker, D. Lorenzetti, E. Mills, V. Rapp, S. Dutton, M. Sohn, X. Li, J. Clark and M Sherman. 2020. "Smart Ventilation for Advanced California Homes." Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Report, 492pp. [PDF]
Mills, E. 2014. "Revisiting Resiliency." ASHRAE Journal, May p27. (invited) [PDF]
Mills, E. 2011. Efficient + Disaster Resilient = Sustainable - August 27 - Home Energy Pros
Mills, E. 2006. "Synergisms between Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation: An Insurance Perspective." Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, Special Issue on Challenges in Integration Mitigation and Adaptation Responses to Climate Change, Vol. 12, No. 5, pp. 809-842 [PDF] (invited)
Mills, E., S. Kromer, G. Weiss, and P.A. Mathew. 2006. "From Volatility to Value: Analysing and Managing Financial and Performance Risk in Energy Savings Projects." Energy Policy, 34:188-199 [PDF] (invited)
Based on earlier version in Proceedings of the ECEEE Summer Study, St. Raphaël, Côte d'Azur, France, pp. 1049-1057. Stockholm: European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (refereed) [PDF]
Mills, E. 2002. "Climate Change, Buildings, and the Insurance Sector: Technological Synergisms between Adaptation and Mitigation." Building Research and Information. LBNL-50967. 31 (3-4):257-277. [PDF] (invited)
Mills, E. and A. Rosenfeld. 1996. "Consumer Non-Energy Benefits as a Motivation for Making Energy-Efficiency Improvements." Energy, 21 (7/8):707-720 [PDF]
Based on work originally published in Proceedings of the 1994 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, pp. 4.201-4.213 [PDF]