Energy Efficiency: Getting Rich while Getting out of the Greenhouse [PDF]
The Specter of Fuel-Based Lighting [PDF]
Residential Energy Modeling with The Home Energy Saver [PDF]
Action-oriented Benchmarking with EnergyIQ [PDF]
Insurance and Climate Change [PDF]
Making the Business Case for Building Commissioning [PDF]
Invited Presentations - Keynotes or Sole Presenter
How Can the Insurance Sector Be Part of the Solution to Climate Change? - International Insurance Convention Colombian Federation of Insurance Companies (FASECOLDA)Â Cartagena, Colombia, September 16, 2022 [PDF]
Toward Carbon-Free Hot Water and Industrial Heat with Efficient and Flexible Heat Pumps - Rewiring America, August 26, 2021 [PDF]
Earth Day & Weed Day are an Odd Couple - Keynote for Washington Sungrowers Industry Association, April 22, 2021 [PDF]
Policymakers’ Primer on Addressing the Carbon Footprint of Cannabis Production - Council of State Governments Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NV December 14, 2017 [PDF]
Insurers as Partners in Inclusive Green Growth - World Bank / International Finance Corporation, Washington, DC, November 5, 2013 [PDF]
The Carbon Footprint of Indoor Cannabis Production - Humboldt State University, Schatz Energy Research Center, Arcata, California, October 6, 2011 [PDF]
Energy Efficiency - Victoria Managed Insurance Authority Risk Conference, Melbourne, Australia, August 17, 2011 [PDF]
Natural Disasters: More Extreme, More Destructive, and More Often...And Perhaps Not "Natural" at All - Victoria Managed Insurance Authority Risk Conference, Melbourne, Australia, August 17, 2011
Overview of Climate Science and Insurer Initiatives on Climate Change - National Association of Insurance Commissioners 2009 Winter National Meeting, Climate Change Summit, San Francisco, CA, December 9, 2009 [PDF]
Keeping Cool in the Greenhouse - American-Hungarian Educators Banquet, Berkeley, CA, May 16, 2009 [PDF]
Staying out of Hot Water: Strategic Planning in a Warming World - Loudoun Water Strategic Planning workshop, Ashburn, VA, February 27, 2009 [PDF]
From Risk to Opportunity: Insurer Responses to Climate Change - Society of Actuaries, Valuation Actuary Symposium, Washington, DC, September 25, 2008 [PDF]
From Risk to Opportunity: Insurer Responses to Climate Change - Casualty Actuarial Society Annual meeting, Quebec City, Canada, June 16, 2008 [PDF]
From Risk to Opportunity: Insurer Responses to Climate Change - Financial Services Authority, Annual Insurance Sector Conference, London, United Kingdom, April 8, 2008 [PDF]
Energy Efficiency: A Key to Getting Out of the Greenhouse - League of Women Voters, Albany, CA, December 4, 2007 [PDF]
Climate Change & Insurance: What Regulators Need to Know - 2007 meeting of the International Association of Insurance Supervisors, Fort Lauderdale, FL, October 18, 2007 [PDF]
Risk Assessment: Climate Change, Utilities, and Insurance - 2007 Utility Executive Leadership Institute (UELI), Pinehurst, NC, August 10, 2007 [PDF]
The Science of Behind Global Warming Liabilities - Mealy's Global Warming Insurance Litigation Conference, San Francisco, CA, June 6, 2007 [PDF]
From Risk to Opportunity: How Insurers Can Proactively Manage Climate Change - Munich Re Headquarters, Munich, Germany, May 15, 2007 [PDF]
Implications of Climate Change for the Insurance Industry: Risk or Opportunity? - Roundtable on Facing the Consequences of Climate Change in Puerto Rico, San Juan, PR, May 8, 2007 [PDF]
Climate Change is Here: Tipping Points & Rays of Hope - Idyllwild Community Earth Day Celebration, Idyllwild, CA, May 19, 2006 [PDF]
Building Commissioning: A Golden Opportunity for Reducing Energy Costs and Greenhouse-gas Emissions (2005)
The Business Case for Commissioning New and Existing Buildings, Presentation for Pacific Energy Center Workshop, December 6, 2005 [PDF]
The Business Case for Commissioning New and Existing Buildings, Presentation for Pacific Energy Center Workshop, December 6, 2005 [PDF]
The Science of Climate Change: Risks and Impacts - Connecticut Global Climate Change Summit: Business Risks and Opportunities for Connecticut's Insurance Industry, Hartford, CT, October 27, 2005 [PDF]
Energy-Efficient Lighting Policies and Programs form the United States Government - Interlight '96, Moscow, Russia, November 19, 1996 [PDF]
Invited Presentations - Other
Environmental Justice: The Disproportionate Environmental Impacts of Indoor Cannabis Cultivation on Marginalized and Lower-Income Populations - California Cannabis Research Briefing, hosted by University of California, Office of the President and the California Department of Cannabis Control, U.C. Davis, California, April 28, 2023 [PDF]
Testimony related to regulatory violations and environmental justice, presented at the Bay Area Air Quality Management District hearing, June 27, 2022. Report on the Foreseeability and Avoidability of Power Disruptions and the Need for 11 Megawatts of Diesel Generators to Power Cannabis Cultivation at 5601 and 5733 San Leandro Street Oakland, California. [PDF]
Indoor Cannabis Cultivation is Unsustainable - Berkeley Cannabis Research Center, U.C. Berkeley, October 20, 2021 [PDF]
Policymakers Primer on Addressing the Carbon Footprint of Cannabis Production - Council of State Governments, Las Vegas, December 14, 2017 [PDF]
R3: Rugged, Resilient Residences - U.S. Department of Energy, Building Technologies Office, April 22, 2013 [PDF]
An Introduction to Three Upcoming UNEP en.lighten Research Projects - ECOWAS Workshop on Appliance Standards and Regulations, Institutional Capacity and Efficient Lighting Policies, Cotonou, Benin, October 3, 2013
Carbon Finance for Off-Grid Lighting: Two Ripe Market Segments - Third Lighting Africa Conference, Dakar, Senegal, November 12, 2012 [PDF]
Health and Safety Benefits of Modern Off-grid Lighting - Third Lighting Africa Conference, Dakar, Senegal, November 12, 2012 [PDF]
Electric Grid Disruptions and Extreme Weather - U.S. Disaster Reanalysis Workshop, National Climatic Data Center, NOAA, Asheville, NC, May 4, 2012 [PDF]
Next-Generation Multifamily National Energy Audit Tools - 2011 National Weatherization Training Conference, New Orleans, LA, December 15, 2011 [PDF]
Sustainability As An Art .... At Idyllwild Arts - Idyllwild, CA, November 1, 2011 [PDF]
Energy Efficiency: Getting Rich while Getting out of the Greenhouse - Mendocino Rotary Club, Mendocino, CA, February 24, 2011
Keeping Cool in the Greenhouse - Mendocino Rotary Club, Mendocino, CA, January 6, 2011
Energy Efficiency: Getting Rich while Getting out of the Greenhouse - Fort Bragg Rotary Club, Fort Bragg, CA, December 1, 2010
Keeping Cool in the Greenhouse - Fort Bragg Rotary Club, Fort Bragg, CA, October 20, 2010
From Carbon to Light: Methodologies for Carbon Finance Monitoring and Evaluation - Lighting Africa 2010 Business Conference, Nairobi, Kenya, May 18-20, 2010 [PDF]
Action-Oriented Energy Benchmarking - ACG 6th Annual Conference on Total Building Commissioning, Las Vegas, NV, April 16, 2010 [PDF]
Illuminating the Developing World - Rosenfeld Symposium: The Next Generation of Energy Efficiency, UC Davis Robert and Margrit Mondavi Center for the Performing, Davis, CA, March 9, 2010 [PDF]
Climate Change and Insurance - Haas School of Business, Executive Education Program, Berkeley, CA, April 23, 2009 [PDF]
Managing Climate Change Liability Risk: Examples from the Insurance Sector - Munich Re Climate Change Liability Workshop, Princeton, NJ, October 14, 2008 [PDF]
Varying Perspectives and Approaches in Developing Quality Assurance for Off-Grid Lighting - World Bank Group's Lighting Africa - Product Quality Assurance Workshop, Airlie Center, Warrenton, VA, October 14-16, 2007 [PDF]
Bringing it All Back Home: What Individuals Can Do to Affect Climate Change - A Town Hall Meeting on Solutions to the Global Warming Crisis, Berkeley City College Auditorium, Berkeley, CA, April 14, 2007 [PDF]
From Risk to Opportunity: Climate Change and the Insurance Industry - UCLA School of Law: Coping with Global Warming, Los Angeles, CA, March 2, 2007 [PDF]
Review of Liability Insurance Considerations in the Context of Global Climate Change - Stanford Law School: Spring 2007 Symposium: Climate Change Liability and the Allocation of Risk, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, February 24, 2007 [PDF]
From Risk to Opportunity: Insurer Exposures and Responses to Climate Change - Governor Corzine's Summit Confronting Climate Change in New Jersey, Trenton, NJ, September 25, 2006 [PDF]
Alternatives to Fuel-Based Lighting in Rural Areas of Developing Countries - Global Roundtable on Climate Change, Reykjavik, Iceland, June 13, 2006 [PDF]
The Home Energy Saver Do-it-Yourself Survey - Touchstone Energy Cooperatives / National Rural Energy Cooperative Association meeting, San Antonio, TX, May 16, 2006 [PDF]
Availability and Affordability of Insurance Under Climate Change - National Association of Insurance Commissioners Winter Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, December 3, 2005 [PDF]
Costs and Benefits of Commissioning New and Existing Commercial Buildings, Conference on Building a Sustainable Campus Community (UCSC), June 21, 2005 [PDF]
Alternatives to Fuel-based Lighting in Rural China - 6th International Conference on Energy-Efficient Lighting, Shanghai, China, May 2005 [PDF]
Costs and Benefits of Commissioning New and Existing Commercial Buildings - National Conference on Building Commissioning, New York, NY May 2005 [PDF]
Benchmarking: What's Your Building's Energy IQ? - California Energy Commission Benchmarking Workshop, Sacramento, CA, April 2005 [PDF]
Climate Change: Observed and Projected Impacts - National Association of Insurance Commissioners Spring Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, March 2005 [PDF]
Insurance Sector Vulnerabilities to Climate Change - American Association for the Advancement (AAAS) of Science Meeting, Washington, D.C., February 17-21 2005 [PDF]
Linking Energy Management and Risk Management: Tapping Win-Win Synergisms - Hawaii Electric Annual Conference, Maui, HI, September 2003 [PDF]
Web- and Disk-based Residential Energy Software - U.S. Department of Energy, February 11, 2002 [PDF]
Design Intent Tool: Facilitating Collaboration and Lifecycle Information Management in Energy-Efficient Buildings - Laboratories for the 21st Century Annual Conference: 2002, Durham, NC [PDF]
Saving Energy in the Government Sector: An International Review - Central European University, Budapest, Hungary, July 19,1999 [PDF]
Consumer Non-Energy Benefits as a Motivation for Making Energy Efficiency Improvements - Central European University, Budapest, Hungary, July 19,1999 [PDF]
Analysis of Price and Non-Price Factors Influencing the Adoption of Compact Fluorescent Lamps by European Households - 2nd European Conference on Energy-Efficient Lighting, Arnhem, Netherlands, September 1993 [PDF]
Trends in Recommended Lighting Levels: An International Comparison - 2nd European Conference on Energy-Efficient Lighting, Arnhem, Netherlands, September 1993 [PDF]
Achieving Energy Efficiency: Practical Essentials for Managers - University of Bordeaux, October 7-11, 1991 [PDF]
Short Term Financial Impacts of Energy-Efficiency Programmes on European Electrical Utilities - 1st European Conference on Energy-Efficient Lighting, Stockholm, Sweden, 1991
Using Financial Incentives to Promote Compact Fluorescent Lamps in Europe: Cost Effectiveness and Consumer Response in 10 Countries - 1st European Conference on Energy-Efficient Lighting, Stockholm, Sweden, 1991
The Inception and Proliferation of Residential European Lighting Efficiency Programs - 1990 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Asilomar, CA
Beginning to Reduce Greenhouse-Gas Emissions Need Not Be Expensive: Examples from the Energy Sector - Second World Climate Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, October 29 - November 7, 1990
Energy Efficiency: Tools and Techniques - Thailand Workshop on End-Use-Oriented Energy Analysis, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, 1989
A Paradigm Shift in Energy: Moving from Supply-Side to Demand-Side Economics - 1988 Annual Meeting of the International Association of Energy Economics. On board: Oslo, Norway to Kiel, Germany
Other Presentations
Testimony related to regulatory violations and environmental justice, presented at the Bay Area Air Quality Management District hearing, June 27, 2022. "Report on the Foreseeability and Avoidability of Power Disruptions and the Need for 11 Megawatts of Diesel Generators to Power Cannabis Cultivation at 5601 and 5733 San Leandro Street Oakland, CA." [PDF]
Electrified & Flexible Water Heating: Market Assessment - October 23, 2021 [PDF]
An Insurance Perspective on Electricity Reliability - U.S. Department of Energy, 2015 [PDF]
2018 Commissioning Cost/Benefit Study Findings - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory [PDF]
A Plug-loads Game-changer: Gaming Energy Efficiency without Performance Compromise - California Energy Commission, Sacramento, CA. [PDF]
Accuracy of the Home Energy Saver Energy Calculation Methodology - 2012 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Asilomar, CA [PDF]
Web Services that Foster Innovation in Buildings Energy Analysis Tools - 2012 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Asilomar, CA [PDF]
Online Communities for Creating Change: Home Energy Pros [Poster] - 2012 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Asilomar, CA
The Home Energy Scoring Tool: A Simplified Asset Rating for Single Family Home - 2012 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Asilomar, CA [PDF]
Best Practices for Data Centers: Results from Benchmarking 22 Data Centers - 2006 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Asilomar, CA
The Cost-Effectiveness of Commissioning New and Existing Commercial Buildings: Lessons from 224 Buildings - 2006 National Conference on Building Commissioning, New York, NY
Amplifying Real Estate Value through Energy & Water Management: From ESCO to "Energy Savings Partner" - 2004 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Asilomar, CA, August 2004
Developing a Next-Generation Community College Curriculum for Energy-Efficient High-Performance Building Operations - 2004 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Asilomar, CA August 22-27
Cleanrooms - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 2004 [PDF]
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Analyzing Insurance Vulnerabilities to Climate Change - Western Risk and Insurance Association Annual Meeting, Maui, Hawaii, 2003 [PDF]
Web- and Disk-based Residential Energy Software - Briefing to US Department of Energy, February 11, 2003 [PDF]
National Laboratories, A National Resource for Cities: Recent Case Studies in Urban Energy Efficiency Implementation from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 2002 [PDF]
Insurance and Risk-management Benefits of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 2002 [PDF]
Climate Change: Implications for Insurance and Risk Management in Developing Countries - U.S. Agency for International Development, 2002 [PDF]
The $230-billion Global Lighting Energy Bill - Fifth European Conference on Energy-Efficient Lighting, Nice, France 29-31 May 2002 [PDF]
The Internet: A New Tool for Implementing Energy Efficiency - Central European University, July 20, 1999 [PDF] and to U.S. Department of Energy, 1998 [PDF]
Energy Efficiency: A New Loss-Prevention Tool - CNA Insurance Headquarters, Chicago, September 8, 1998
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy: A New Family of Insurance Loss-Prevention Tools - September 11, 1998 [PDF]
Energy Management in the Government Sector: An International Review - 1997 ECEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency, Prague, Czech Republic
Energy-Efficiency Options for Insurance Loss-Prevention - 1997 ECEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency, Copenhagen, Denmark
The Internet as a New Tool for Implementing Energy Efficient Lighting - 4th European Conference on Energy-Efficient Lighting, Copenhagen, Denmark - November 18-21, 1997
Overview: The Center for Building Science - 1996 Laboratory Director's Review of the Energy & Environment Division [PDF]
Energy Efficiency in Laboratory Type Facilities - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 1995 [PDF]
From the Lab to the Marketplace: Government's Role in R&D and Market Transformation for Energy Efficiency in Buildings - 1995 ECEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency, Mandileu, France
China: A Lighting Giant - 1994 [PDF]
Potential for Governmental Policies to Improve U.S. Lighting Energy Efficiency in Commercial and Residential Buildings - 1993 ECEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency, Rungstedgard, Denmark - June 1-5, 1993
From the Lab to the Marketplace: LBNL's Energy Efficient Buildings Programs - Galvin Task Force, Berkeley, CA 1993 [PDF]
The Success of European CFL Programs - California Compact Conference, San Diego, CA November 6, 1992 [PDF]
Energy Efficiency: A Cost-Effective Resource - U.S. Geologic Survey Workshop on Energy Gases, Palo Alto, CA October 21, 1992 [PDF]
Energy Planning and The Environment - Oslo University, July 4, 1991 [PDF]
Sweden's Acid Test: Planning for Economic Growth, the Nuclear Phase Out, and Reduced CO2 Emissions - Enhancing Electricity's Value to Society, Toronto, Canadian Electrical Association - October 22-24, 1990
Hot Peppers, Mosquito Nets, and Megawatts: The Beginnings of Least-Cost Utility Planning in Thailand - Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand - 1989 [PDF]
Recovering Our Energy Efficiency Resources: Barriers and Policy Solutions - Lund University, Department of Environmental and Energy Systems Studies - October 9, 1989 [PDF]
Scenario Building - Lund University, Department of Environmental and Energy Systems Studies - October 25, 1989 [PDF]
Least-Cost Utility Planning - Lund University, Department of Environmental and Energy Systems Studies - 1988 [PDF]
Public Housing: The National Scene - Citizens Coalition for Energy Efficiency - June 10, 1987, Philadelphia [PDF]
Energy Conservation Disincentives in the Public Housing Sector: Recommendations for a Revised Subsidy System -1987 [PDF]
Higher Mortgages, Lower Energy Bills: The Real Economics of Buying and Energy-Efficient Home - Energy Efficient Builders Association Annual Meeting, Minneapolis - 1987 [PDF]
Financial Impacts of Energy Conservation Investment in Public Housing - 1986 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, August 21, Asilomar, CA [PDF]
The PGandE Residential Electricity Time-of-Use Ratemaking Experiment - December, 1985 [PDF]
Selling Energy-Efficient Manufactured Homes in the Sunbelt - Buildings Energy Data Group, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory - 1985
Superinsulation and Energy Economics - October 15, 1985 [PDF]
Raising the Energy Efficiency of Manufactured Housing - 1984 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Santa Cruz, CA. [PDF]